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22 x 17 units - 3080 x 2380 pixels

Hey everyone!

Thanks for your input on the last poll. According to most of you, you were interested in town/city maps. As such, I've put together this map of a "quiet bar." I created this map using Dungeon Draft with Forgotten Adventures' assets. It includes both day and night versions, gridded and ungridded. 

Let me know what you think in the comments below and if there's anything else I might add or you would like to see.

Edit: Thanks to everyone for the suggestions. I've added two more fireplaces and a cellar door to allow access to storage. Enjoy!



Sean Walsh

This is great! What did you use to make it?


It's not a quiet bar or there would be a door from the kitchen into the dining room. This is an armored bar design.


As for the general map itself, the colors look nice on a screen but are still very dark. Not something I can print out and easily use during my gaming session.


Okay, cool. thanks for the feedback. Yeah, the FA assets tend to run a little dark. I'll boost it with brightness/contrast in PS

Donald Hoffman

I love the map. A basement/storage area would be great that shows where the door in the kitchen floor leads to. It is a good map that I will be using.


I noticed when saving among my VTT map files that your dimension labels are given as width by length, rather than the more conventional length by width (taking conventions from matrix algebra and designations on maps from other sources). Swapping to the more conventional length by width would save time and reduce confusion. My usual complaint with residential maps is not enough kitchen to be feasible (especially in commercial establishments or upper class homes), and often no toilet or outhouse. You've got the latter covered, but a slightly more developed cooking set up in the kitchen would be nice. What you have is pretty good, but any sane cook would want storage and prep space directly adjacent to their heat sources. It's not technologically dependent, so it's appropriate even in a medieval fantasy setting. If you're worried that it's too modern: division of labor into specialized tasks came in late 18th/early 19th century, and the assembly line is really about specialized tasks *by different teams of workers* being laid out in physical sequence, so you're good.


Got to disagree. A lot of the bars I have been in that do not have a dedicated dining area server over the bar.


I like these maps since as someone who runs a TV these are the perfect size. Most vtt maps are too big for a TV on a table


@Gillian Brunet brought up a lot of the things I would have. Here are a few she didn't mention. The only source of heat is the hearth in the kitchen. It should have 2 more. I suggest one in the bottom left of the common room. If you open the sidewall of the chimney to the central hallway, it will also heat the hall and part of the bedrooms. A fireplace at the end of the bedroom hallway would keep that end of the building warm. You also don't show living quarters for the proprietor. It would not be wise to have the proprietor off-premises. A loft for commoners to stay in would also be a good thing. The cellar should have stairs both inside and outside. The outside one makes it easy to take delivery of casks and tuns of wine and ale, and the inside stairway makes it easy to bring foodstuffs and flagons up from the cellar without mishap. Overall, it looks terrific. How hard would it be to make line art (B&W) maps available?


Awesome suggestions. As far as Line Art, DD has an option for it. I can test it out.


I thought width was usually the longest side (this being east to west). Either way, I labeled it similar to how Tom Cartos' does his (if you can't tell, I'm inspired by my pal's style haha)


Oh! I figured out why I did width by length the way I did: it's how Photoshop and Roll20 organize it. Width is right to left, length is up to down.


Fair enough on the map dimensions. Points about the kitchen layout still stand. Kitchen layouts should reflect how the spaces are used, even if they're less aesthetic that way.


Love it! Gonna build this in TaleSpire tomorrow! 😄


Thanks for this - what would your thoughts be on sharing the dungeon draft project/ .map file to play with?


Unfortunately, the assets I use don't allow me to do that. Otherwise I totally would!