[All Patrons] Dungeons & Lairs #35: Sphinx Pyramid (Level 8, 11, 14, or 17) (Patreon)
Download the PDFs and Handouts at the end of the post.
Get the Foundry Pack and Digital Assets:
The version presented here does not include the digital assets nor does it include the Foundry Pack. You may receive those as an electrum patron or as a one-time purchase via our website.
- Patrons: https://www.patreon.com/posts/64231376
- One-Time Purchase: https://dmdave.com/product/dungeons-lairs-35-sphinx-pyramid-asset-pack/
Get the Roll20 Version:
- One-Time Purchase: https://marketplace.roll20.net/browse/gameaddon/15567/dungeons-and-lairs-number-35-sphinx-pyramid
Adventure Details
Sphinx Pyramid is a Fifth Edition plug-in adventure for four characters with an average party level (APL) of 8, 11, 14, or 17. This document offers details for the 8th-level version. For the full adjustments for all level ranges, sign up for the DMDave Patreon. A vast collection of tomes, scrolls, and books has been locked away deep beneath a pyramid and is being guarded by a sphinx. The characters, in need of some knowledge contained in this library, need to brave the traps of the tomb and solve the riddles of the sphinx before they can find an answer to their question.
Creative Team
- DMDave
- Laura Jordan
Writer: Ellie Hogan
Cartography: Tom Cartos
- Dean Spencer
- Direquest
- Ellie Hogan
- Matias Lazaro
- Shutterstock