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Hey folks!

We're dusting off the old blog on DMDave.com. Instead of spending time doing keyword research/SEO stuff, I figured I'd just ask all of you, my most awesome patrons, what topics you would like me to write about. You can expect these posts to appear in BroadSword Monthly, too!

Tell me down in the comments the type of stuff you'd like to see me write about (as it relates to D&D 5e preferably). Then I'll add it to the blog.

I look forward to your suggestions!



Frank Moore

I would just like to see it cover all things DM-related. Monster generation. Some friends of mine are publishing an RPG zine and didn't seem to realize the structure of how monsters are created. Some thoughts on that would be great. World Building. How do you approach building your own world? Discussing topics to think about from the size of the planet? Does your planet have moons or rings? If so, how many? How time is measured? How do you handle climate? Most fantasy GMs default to a world which is a clone of Earth. I'd like to see that start to change. Multi-outcome Encounters. All too often, I see DMs craft scenarios as if-then-else encounters. I find I'm often guilty of it myself. I would love to get perspective on how to structure encounters so that there are more than just two results.


Running campaigns a high level.