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Hey all!

Thanks for voting in our last poll to help us decide our next monster lair. Looks like the big three winners from the last poll are oni, rust monsters. Because we took the top three picks, we decided not to let any of the "losers" carry on to the next poll. Womp womp.

Just as before, this post will decide the next *three* monster lairs that will follow those listed below. Pick the one that you like best. The top three get made and the rest get cut.

This poll will end in one week to give everyone plenty of time to vote.

Dungeons and Lairs Index

Fan Content Policy Monsters

  • Dungeons & Lairs F1: Mind Flayers (Coming Soon)



I don't think I've seen Sphinxes covered *anywhere*, except maybe 2e Al-Qadim (I have to check that) and I'd like to see it covered. I'd also like to see Satyrs done... but "classic" Satyrs (Male only - it's said they mated with nymphs). And lastly, I think you should hold off on Scarecrows until the fall - around Samhain (aka Halloween).


If Sphinxes don't make it, feel free to accidentally use one or two somewhere