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Hey all!

Quick poll this morning. I use the hell out of random tables and I was wondering if you do, too, and just how much you use them.

If you do use them, let us know what kind of tables that you're looking for or wish we could make for you.

Thanks for your response!



I use tables for some loot and flavour for different things like random herb and mushroom gathering, or potion effects from unlabeled jars, tinctures.

Andrew Laverghetta

I'm a little late to finishing the poll, but I never use random encounter tables on the spot. If I use them, I'll just take them as a reasonable encounter, and set that up ahead of time. Since I'm playing in person, it's much easier to have something set up for that and not have to draw up a map and get minis that somewhat resemble what I might need. Random tables for loot or items, rumors, names, events, that's great.