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Shrine of the Snake Queen is intended for four characters with an average party level (APL) of 7. Characters who complete this adventure should earn enough experience to reach halfway to 8th-level. An artifact of terrible power has been located deep in the heart of the jungle and must be recovered. This campaign takes place in Arden, although it can be set in your own world. Any party composition should be able to finish the adventure with intelligent play.


When the gods were first brought into being, their divine essences latched on to mortal hosts. A few of these godly entities failed to find a suitable one, however, and instead crystallized into a solid form. These Shards of the Divine can grant great and terrible powers to those who hold them. One such shard, the Shard of the Deceiver has been found by a tribe of serpentfolk deep within the jungles of the Wildlands. This powerful artifact has caused the ancient shattered empire to come together in the hopes off reasserting their dominance over the region. Luckily, knowledge of the shard's discovery made its way to a powerful archmage who has put out a call for adventurers to undertake what he describes as an adventure to save the world itself.


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This adventure was written by Benjamin Palmer of Adventures Await Studios. For similar content, check out their Patreon and get access to a growing library of adventures, VTT ready maps, and more!




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