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Hey all!

We're kicking around a few different ideas behind the scenes to focus on creating even more value for all of you. Below, I've listed some of the things we've thought about and included a poll to get some ideas from all of you. 

Here is a brief description of the things we're thinking about adding to the mix:

  • A "living" game where you the Patrons and other DMs can affect the ongoing subplot in Omeria (kinda like Living Greyhawk back in the first decade). We might even allow Patrons to take control of major NPCs in Omeria whose decisions influence the history fo the world.
  • Less focus on promoting other people's content (Kickstarter posts, etc.) and more focus on expanding our own brand through additional Omeria-centric content. In other words, the only ads you'll get are for our own stuff.
  • A heightened focus on building more Omeria lore, including in our emails and social media platforms—so the emails and Instagram posts will give you insights into different things about Omeria versus alerting you to content on Patreon.
  • Omeria guidebooks that focus on specific regions, factions, and other elements of Omeria, bringing more life to the setting. Expect these to be small and cheap like the old 3.5 splatbooks, 36 pages or so, and black and white. 
  • BroadSword Monthly trimmed down and more focused—also in color. These will be almost exclusively adventures that could potentially even play into the "living Omeria" concept. This will help us bring BSM into the "2020s" versus the retro look we've had since inception.
  • Omeria Adventure Hub, a peer-to-peer platform where other creators can sell their own Omeria-based content, all subjected to DMDave's personal "seal of approval." This will help further expand the world of Omeria for you, turning it into the ultimate sandbox.

Pick as many as you're interested in. If you have any other ideas, let me know down in the comments. This will help us know what to pursue first going forward.





The "Living Game" idea and the "Adventurers Platform" are VERY intriguing to me.


The things I've enjoyed about DMDave and would like to see continued are: #1 the sense of community with other Patreon creators and amazing collaborative projects with Tom Cartos, Cze & Peku, and all the many other talented people in this community. I think it would be a shame if that stopped because a few people are afraid of seeing a post about a KS or non-Omerian content. #2 the Broadsword Magazine format, it's amazing. It's perfect the way it is. I really don't think reducing pages and making another glossy color magazine is going to add value to a magazine that is mostly about text and story ideas. I get SOOO much good content in each amazing issue of Broadsword that is extremely useful and literally most of them are basically an entire mini campaign. My two favorites so far are the Vaskil Valley one and the Dark Sea one. Typically I'll read about these and really like them in the Broadsword magazine, then I'll buy the Roll20 conversion because I'm just lazy and have more money than sense or time so I can use those adventures in my Tuesday night game. I've already ran my group through a lot of the Dark Sea ones available on there and some of the early works like the Quabus series.


I like the idea of the Omeria Adventures platform as the most interesting of the "new ideas" on this poll. I see this as kind of a DM's Guild for Omeria a lot like that one is for WoTC owned settings. I could see that really having some great stuff on it, just like DM'sGuild has a lot of gems that would possibly never have happened if WoTC only allowed their own staff to write Forgotten Realms or Dark Sun or Greyhawk etc. stories. Sometimes fanfiction is terrible, but somtimes some real cool ideas can be built with other people's settings and characters. I really like some of the "Guides" that people have written on DMGuild for the published adventures, it'd be cool to see fan-based stuff like that or expansions or side-quest adventures that tie into DMDave official Omeria adventures and books.


All I need is ... Adventures, monsters, and lore that I can rub the serial numbers off and use. The form factor in which that is delivered is not terribly relevant, EXCEPT I have loved the Dungeons and Lairs series. Very nice to run as they are or mine for ideas when incorporating that monster. My players are already into analysis paralysis for character options, so adding more sub-classes and what not has hit severe diminishing returns. I would even say it isn't worth the effort at all. I make the very rare exception for something that is (1) stunningly unique; (2) mechanically sound; and (3) deeply tied to some lovely lore.


Adventures, Monsters, Magic Items. No lore, races, classes or sub-classes. I have plenty of the latter. Apologies for the directness.


I don't know about you, but I'm subbed to a couple dozens creators on patreon, so my feed gets cluttered pretty quick. It's disappointing to see something interesting in your feed and realize I have to further pay for a thing, rather than get access to a thing I'm already paying for. Of the almost 30 patrons I have, this is the only one in which I am marketed to other than a feed of content I am paid for. I have nothing against collabs, but I do have something against being used as a captive audience for being marketed towards, on a service I am actively paying for.


A more cohesive "system" that provides a framework to build off of, you have great races, classes, monsters, encounters, adventures, but a bit scattered and hard to wrap your head around especially for a new DM. I would love to see a "base framework" that the "modules" fit into and also for longevity some 3D models available for 3D printing or even adding into pc games. Love the idea of adding "MODS" for more fan fiction/adventures or fan based additions DMDave approves.

Chris Bishop

Richard hit it on the head. little interest in class / race / subclass items. stick to the core stuff. Adventures monsters and tokens


I like seeing you support other creators by sharing their content, but it can sometimes get to be a lot of marketing! Maybe if there was a "yes and" option - perhaps reducing the frequency by compiling into a weekly "creators to support" update, or having this part of the Patreon be opt-in somehow (not likely possible with the platform structure I suppose). I love Omeria lore, and I also appreciate that you are good about providing ways to extract the content into other settings. This means it's more likely to be used regardless of the type of game people are playing. Something I think might be appreciated by the community that might be a challenge for you as a creative is to stick with something once you've come up with a cool idea! There's been a few neat projects that are pitched as an ongoing series, that die after one or two iterations of the idea. There are obviously lots of exceptions of things that are ongoing (Dungeons and Lairs, Broadsword), but sometimes I'm not sure about getting excited about something because I'm not sure if it'll stick around. Uncle Skeleton's is I think the most obvious example, with its many restarts that aren't compatible with previous iterations. That said I definitely understand why this happens, and I don't feel like you need to be beholden to the Patreon subscribers in terms of what you feel like making! Making content purely on the basis of what you think people will want is a surefire way to get burnt out and drain the joy of creating out of it. In terms of what I personally would like to see enhanced, this might just be a me thing as a newish dm, but I'd love to see more about NPC motivations, mannerisms, personality etc. as well as more flavour details about locations. Likely more experienced DMs would be better able to flesh these things out on their own but I always appreciate the extra guidance!

Grumpy Teacher

Do not touch my Broadsword Monthly! I likes my precious just the way it is.


I was very interested in your Aberranterra ideas. Any possible return to that?


Yeah. I think once I get Pexia knocked out, I'll be interested in starting a sci-fi spin-off. But we'll see... first things first I gotta get this damn Pexia book done haha

Frank Moore

I'll add my voice to the "less non-DMDave marketing" faction. I understand that it's important to help spread the word about good stuff that your friends are producing but I subscribe to see DMDave content (which I think is pretty darn good) or content that was done in collaboration with someone else (for example, the DM Tool Chest). Having said that, I wouldn't mind a regular post (Sunday mornings, perhaps) with a digest of cool things happening in the gaming world that I might like to be aware of. Not sure if you can make that a subscriber assigned setting or if you'd have to come up with a new subscription tier which includes that.


I enjoy the non-DM Dave stuff. They have led me to material I would never have discovered on my own.