What do you want to see happen on DMDave's Patreon going forward? (Patreon)
2021-10-19 00:42:00
Hey all!
We're kicking around a few different ideas behind the scenes to focus on creating even more value for all of you. Below, I've listed some of the things we've thought about and included a poll to get some ideas from all of you.
Here is a brief description of the things we're thinking about adding to the mix:
- A "living" game where you the Patrons and other DMs can affect the ongoing subplot in Omeria (kinda like Living Greyhawk back in the first decade). We might even allow Patrons to take control of major NPCs in Omeria whose decisions influence the history fo the world.
- Less focus on promoting other people's content (Kickstarter posts, etc.) and more focus on expanding our own brand through additional Omeria-centric content. In other words, the only ads you'll get are for our own stuff.
- A heightened focus on building more Omeria lore, including in our emails and social media platforms—so the emails and Instagram posts will give you insights into different things about Omeria versus alerting you to content on Patreon.
- Omeria guidebooks that focus on specific regions, factions, and other elements of Omeria, bringing more life to the setting. Expect these to be small and cheap like the old 3.5 splatbooks, 36 pages or so, and black and white.
- BroadSword Monthly trimmed down and more focused—also in color. These will be almost exclusively adventures that could potentially even play into the "living Omeria" concept. This will help us bring BSM into the "2020s" versus the retro look we've had since inception.
- Omeria Adventure Hub, a peer-to-peer platform where other creators can sell their own Omeria-based content, all subjected to DMDave's personal "seal of approval." This will help further expand the world of Omeria for you, turning it into the ultimate sandbox.
Pick as many as you're interested in. If you have any other ideas, let me know down in the comments. This will help us know what to pursue first going forward.