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Hey all!

Let's make a random NPC trait table. This is a super invaluable tool for gamemasters, especially if you plan to run sandbox-style games and need NPCs on the fly.

In the comments below, leave a single descriptor of an NPC. 

Once I've got 1,000 of these, I'll put them all on a big rollable table.


  • 1) Preferably no more than 140 characters, old-school Twitter-length. Remember that these all have to fit into a table.
  • 2) Try to make it more about the person's personality than their appearance. Basically, a prompt you'd give an actor (a GM) to run with.
  • 3) Keep it clean aka SFW.
  • 4) Nothing too anachoristic. These should be NPCs you'd meet in a random village, city, or town in a D&D game.
  • 5) Write as many as you like... we need 1,000 of 'em! 

A friendly reminder that this is a call for suggestions, so there is no guarantee of credit.



A doctor/healer who uses her position to smuggle drugs. Her only weakness is her love for the stupid, brawny stable boy she met at a tavern. She wants to love him, but she knows he wouldn't approve of her illicit dealings.


A dwarf who is quite old, quite fat, and quite greedy. In his youth, he was revered as one of the greatest blacksmiths in the city. However, as soon as became the Guildmaster, his avarice destroyed him. He has not practiced blacksmithing in over ten years, and many do not wish for him to be the Guildmaster at all.


A former pirate captain who now captains a river boat carrying mostly rich people. They spend their days drinking and trying to hide how much they hate this new life.


The CEO of the largest wizards-for-hire company in the country - maybe the whole world. She is kind but very commanding.


A middle-aged tiefling woman who has been falsely imprisoned. She worked for a healer who killed someone through negligence and subsequently blamed her for the death.


A soft-spoken and well-mannered myconid who has an amazing amount of patience. They keep company with all sorts of people to see how the people think and challenge the myconid's own mind.


a beautiful, fiery human woman who is quite proficient with the two ruby-hilted whips she carries with her wherever she goes. She is the matron of the Lusty Crustacean, a ship of sex workers that travels the seas in search of sailors in need of a good time.


The tourney master of a large desert town. He was a fighter and adventurer in his early life until a severe leg injury left him incapable of traversing long distances. He's sought after by many women, but his only love is religion.


The half-elf owner of a small-but-clean inn. She has a soft spot for travelers who are kind enough to share their stories and will often take gossip as payment if its particularly juicy.


An elven man who founded an abattoir (slaughterhouse) over 500 years ago after leaving his homeland. He never fit in much with the elves he grew up with, so he came to the city to start a new life. He used to be a kind man until his wife died during a robbery. Ever since her death, he has been distant, rude, and practically soulless.