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Folks over at Limitless Adventures are at it again! Expanding on the successful 5th Evolution world, the new installment: Carbide City #2 promises to provide even more multi-genre world building and fun.

5th Evolution merges comics and 5E game mechanics, and we're heading back to Carbide City to expand our supers system. Players read the comic,  resolve the action with a 5E one shot, and the DM gets expanded source material to continue the campaign. We're adding new player archetypes, locations, and villains for further adventures in Carbide City!  All 5E compatible!

Check out the 11 page sample booklet which includes a comic, plot hooks, scenarios, stat blocks, and more!

Back the Kickstarter, now! 




Nope. Dont think so. Npt touching it. MCU ruined me on "superheroes".


Sounds really cool :D

Thomas Ryan (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-10 13:57:49 I'm impressed by this, plenty of 5E supers rules out there but these seem reasonably simple and remind me (in a good way) of the V&V character designs I loved from Dragon Magazines
2021-10-04 22:58:08 I'm impressed by this, plenty of 5E supers rules out there but these seem reasonably simple and remind me (in a good way) of the V&V character designs I loved from Dragon Magazines

I'm impressed by this, plenty of 5E supers rules out there but these seem reasonably simple and remind me (in a good way) of the V&V character designs I loved from Dragon Magazines


I back every 5e superhero anything just on the basis of trying to get more exposure of the genre among the unwashed masses of fantasy-only 5e players. (snicker) Just kiddin'. Sort of. But yeah, love using 5e for other things aside from just high fantasy. It's a swell system for most anything that doesn't need to be too realistic/gritty, and with a few tweaks it can even do that okay.