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Blizzard at König's Keep is a Fifth Edition adventure for 3 to 5 characters, optimized for a party of 4 characters of 3rd level. This adventure takes place in a small arctic town beset by a seemingly endless winter of polar nights, where the sun shines for only four hours each day—and even then, it casts only dim light before setting below the mountains. Its formal location is left intentionally blank so you can easily insert it into any campaign of your choice.

Unseen dwarves have been sneaking around the town of König's Keep filching random items, with the most recent footprints leading to the ruined fortress the town is named after. Two local teens have also gone missing in the blizzard, and it’s rumored they sometimes hang out at those same ruins. Can the characters find the sneaks and learn what they are up to, and locate the missing teens? Does anything else lurk at, or under, the ruins of König's Keep?


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The maps, handouts, and PDF for this adventure are all included in one easy-to-download zip file. We have multiple ways for you to get this, detailed below.

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Get This Adventure in Print

Interesting in holding a physical copy of this adventure? You can get the full adventure in BroadSword Monthly #19. Not only does this full adventure appear, but 12 other fun adventures plus player options, new monsters, and more.

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Welcome Erich the Fuzzy!

Erich the Fuzzy is a veteran DM with over a decade of experience in the hobby. He initially began musing over writing adventures back in the 80s but it wasn't until he took the DMDave writing course that he began to seriously put pen to paper. A longtime fan of Dungeon Magazine, Erich is excited to be joining the BroadSword writing team and the opportunity to put out more adventures in the future.





i cant seem to download the assets


This is a quest from Rime of the Frostmaiden. Invisible duergar stealing items from the town while in search of chardalyn, 2 teens (incest I'm the module is weird) are kidnapped and held hostage by Winter Wolves to get gold from the town.


Hi Taylor & Phil, Sorry about that, not sure what happened. The link in the post has been updated, you can also find the asset post here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/blizzard-at-keep-56437409 -The DMDave Team


Anyone played this yet? Seems like it could be too tough for a level 3 party with all these encounters. Also a couple of things: - there is a formatting error on page 2 with ### 2 – Descent - another formatting error on page 6 with ***Encounter: Cave Bear. *** - if the grid is 5 feet how am I supposed to fit 3 Giant Spiders in area 7? - similar question about space in area 8 and Cave Bear movement