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Dread Knight Oubliette is a Fifth Edition plug-in adventure for four characters with an average party level (APL) of 8, 11, 14, or 17. This document offers details for each level and makes adjustments accordingly. This adventure takes the heroes underground into a massive dungeon overrun by intelligent undead creatures who follow the leadership of a mighty dread knight.

Plug-in Adventure

As a plug-in adventure, the adventure content serves as drop-in material for game masters who wish to add a small dungeon to a preexisting campaign or need a side quest. If you need a hook for this adventure or already have a similar hook, the Dread Knight’s Oubliette Hooks table on the next page offers details for introducing this adventure to your players.


Get the Asset Pack

If you want to get the map, tokens, and new monsters included in this adventure, you will need to download the asset pack. You can get the asset packs as a one-time purchase from DMDave, as part of an Electrum Patreon subscription.

Get the Foundry VTT Pack

Our asset pack doubles as a Foundry VTT pack, too. The link includes the manifest URL.

Purchase the asset/Foundry VTT pack, now.

Download the tokens for free.


Get the Roll20 Version

No time to set up the game yourself? Don't worry, we've got you covered. The Roll20 version of this adventure includes the map with dynamic lighting, preset tokens, and everything else you need to download and play this adventure in its entirety.

Purchase the Roll20 conversion:


Check out Paper Forge, Fat Goblin Games, The Griffon's Saddlebag, and Tim Hartin!

The art from this adventure module was contributed by Paper Forge, Fat Goblin Games, The Griffon's Saddlebag, and Tim Hartin. Be sure to check out all of their Patreons for additional map variants, tokens, and more.

Check out Paper Forge on Patreon

Check out Fat Goblin Games on Patreon

Check out The Griffon's Saddlebag on Patreon 

Check out Tim Hartin/Paratime Design online 


Get all new monsters from Kobold Press

Need a TON of new monsters for your Fifth Edition books? I just discovered that the Kobold Press books are 100% SRD/OGL compatible, which means I can use them freely in my content. This adventure features a few, but if you want more, check out their store on DriveThruRPG.

Purchase Monster books by Kobold Press





Hi Dave! I'm reading your amazing adventure. It seems that there is a bit of mess with the numbers after 21 (not corresponding with the map). Can you please tell me the correct titles numbers?


IMHO correct sequence is: - 21: Joust - 22: Juxtaposed - 23: Smoke - 24: Silence - 25: Burning - 26: Unyielding - 27: Subterranean Waterways etc.


I agree that the room numering is out and would love to see a corrected version. I am running the adventure today for one of my groups, I am hoping that they don't get as far as the messed up rooms before you release a new, "improved" version.


Nearly forgot - it would also be geat if there was a players version of the map, without the traps and secrest doors on the map. Just a thought.


Hi Joe, Player maps are available as part of the digital asset pack you can get as an Electrum Tier subscriber or higher. As for the room numbering, I have brought the issue to our proofing team and we will see what we can do. -The DMDave Team


Would be nice to be onboard as a higher tier suporter but the bank account dictates otherwise right now, and likely ongoing for some time. I might have to wait for an update on the corrected maps/room numbering and look to doing a one time purchase at that time. I presume that the one time asset pack purchase will include everything?


Hi Joe, Yes, a one-time purchase would include the adventure PDF, player maps, character tokens, and even a .json file for Foundry VTT which includes dynamic lighting and token placement for easy set-up. By the by, the PDF has been updated with a corrected map. If you would like to re-download the adventure you may do so now. -The DMDave Team


Hi Daniele, Thank you for bringing this to our attention. It looks like 21 was put on the map twice which made the room count off. We have now corrected the issue if you'd like to re-download the adventure. -The DMDave Team


Thanks for that. I now have the corrected version. A question regarding the one time purchase option - I am on that page now. Why do I have to enter all that billing information before I purchase? This is an electronic version, not a paper version that is going to be posted. I don't see the point or the need to enter all that information, I fail to see why you need it for a simple download. An email address and perhaps a name, yes, but not the rest. Is there any other way of doing this? Sorry but I am going to hold off this purchase for now.


how do i get the tokens from fat goblin games and Paper forge for free? I didn't see any download links