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Hey all!

As I'm working on beholders (it's at 39% as of this writing, so it'll likely win), I thought I might toss in a bonus lair since that'll get me pretty far ahead—I'm already a month out.

Inspired by the new Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft, I thought I might create a lair that would work in one of the non-Barovia spots. Obviously, I can't brand it as Ravenloft, but that doesn't mean that you can't use it there.

Below are suggestions based on the major Dark Lords' domains and the place where they most likely hang out. There's a lot, so I tried to give as basic a description as possible. I recommend you pick up the book if you want a few more details. 

Let me know which one you like best. If this is popular, I'll work on some more.

Polling ends this Friday at 10:00am CST.



Dark carnaval can be play almost everyworld


I personally like the zombie besieged world, but that's my personal preference by far. I've been slowly putting ideas together for an entire world with that flavor. I've been doing that for awhile. I know you, DM Dave, have created some rules for a place like that, which I appreciate. I want mine to be more fantasy oriented, with a very clearly developed god system, but your zombie world rules are really helping me. Thanks!


that was the one I was leaning toward before the poll haha Although, I was kinda hoping the Frankenstein's Castle one would win, too :D

Alex Accardi

I guess there are a lot of Heckna! backers wanting to inject some DMDave into the setting, with such a strong lead the carnival got, lol.


I love Ravenloft, truth be told. I had the old boxed set back in the early '90s

Alex Accardi

Oh, is the carnival part of ravenloft? Didnt realize. I was just commenting there was a kickstarter a few months back for a carnival themed setting for 5e that I expect has some crossover with you, and figured that might have been what let the carnival run away with this poll.


Yeah. It’s from 2e. Pretty interesting


yes me too , and haunted mansion is a good one scobidooooooo


I plan on working the carnival into my campaigns. It reminds me of the book 'Something Wicked This Way Comes" by Ray Bradbury. That scene with the merry go round still gives me the creeps... Oi