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Archmage Stronghold is a Fifth Edition plug-in adventure for four characters with an average party level (APL) of 11, 14, 17, or 20. This document offers details for each level and makes adjustments accordingly.

Plug-in Adventure

As a plug-in adventure, the adventure content serves as add-on material for game masters who wish to add a small dungeon to a preexisting campaign or need a side quest.


Get the Asset Pack

If you want to get the map, tokens, and new monsters included in this adventure, you will need to download the asset pack. You can get the asset packs as a one-time purchase from DMDave, as part of an Electrum Patreon subscription.

Get the FoundryVTT Pack

Our asset pack doubles as a FoundryVTT pack, too. The link includes the manifest URL. 

Purchase the asset/FoundryVTT pack, now.

Download the tokens for free.


Get the Roll20 Version

No time to set up the game yourself? Don't worry, we've got you covered. The Roll20 version of this adventure includes the map with dynamic lighting, preset tokens, and everything else you need to download and play this adventure in its entirety.

Purchase the Roll20 conversion:

Get Variant Tokens from PaperForge

If you would like to use different/variant tokens for your own games or the Roll20 version, you can do that as a patron of the token's designer, Paper Forge.

Get more awesome tokens from PaperForge


Get all new monsters from Kobold Press

Need a TON of new monsters for your Fifth Edition books? I just discovered that the Kobold Press books are 100% SRD/OGL compatible, which means I can use them freely in my content. This adventure features a few, but if you want more, check out their store on DriveThruRPG.

Purchase Monster books by Kobold Press





IS there a link to the free version of the map? I am not able to find it within TC's patreon. Thank you in advance!


This map isn't from Tom Cartos. Dave made this one. It's available within the asset pack.


Then, why the following?: "or you can download the free versions offered by Tom Cartos"


That makes much more sense then! One time purchase it is. Thank you!


Can’t wait for my players to reach level 11!


This is awesome currently running a wizard obsidian tower, within the Underdark in my homebrew campaign and some of these encounters will fit perfectly. Thank you for all the work you put into these!


which one has the pdf link for the module for bronze on some of the past modules? i could only see links to the vtt or assets


Hi Elliot, We don't have a Bronze tier. If you meant for Copper members, such as yourself, the PDF is at the bottom of this post and all you have to do to download it is click on it. If you're looking for previous posts you can check out the Bulletin Board, which will also have a link to the DMDave Master Archive with links to every available adventure. Hope that helps!


I have the electrum tier, but cannot download the map pack?

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-13 08:27:53 I was just looking in my map packs, as I have downloaded all the D&L posts, and their subsequent maps. I can't find it either. I'm also Electrum tier. Was this problem ever resolved for you?
2022-05-10 21:50:05 I was just looking in my map packs, as I have downloaded all the D&L posts, and their subsequent maps. I can't find it either. I'm also Electrum tier. Was this problem ever resolved for you?

I was just looking in my map packs, as I have downloaded all the D&L posts, and their subsequent maps. I can't find it either. I'm also Electrum tier. Was this problem ever resolved for you?


Hello Dave! Attached there is only the .pdf. Do you know where I can find the Asset packs? I'm an electrum subscriber, thank you