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This Foundry module pack includes the adventure text for both versions of the adventure, as well as the scenes, actors, items, and art contained in it. Scenes come pre-set with walls, lighting, actor tokens linked to their respective sheets, and hidden number tiles. Installation instructions are included in a 'read me' file in the download package. 

To use the URL, copy and paste it into the Manifest URL field that you can find when you click "Install Module" in the "Add-on Modules" tab of your Configuration and Setup page within the app.

Once you have added the module to a world and click on one of the module's compendiums, a prompt will appear that will import all parts of the adventure and link the tokens to their actors.

Foundry Manifest URL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j2794xpyaokecdg/module.json?dl=0




Oh man I love Kobold!


Is there supposed to be more in the zip file than just the two maps?


Thanks, I wasn't sure if it was just me being dumb lol


Noob to Foundry VTT. Module successfully added to my game and turned on, but none of the contents are in my game. I have a scene called Kobold Tunnels with nothing there. Can you help me please?


Hello! Thank you for your question, after consulting with the team member responsible for converting Foundry VTT content she had the following recommendations: "To import the content for our adventures, after adding a module to a game world, go to your Compendium Packs tab. You should see four new instances called Kobold Tunnels - Actors, Kobold Tunnels - Journal, Kobold Tunnels - Items, and Kobold Tunnels - Scenes. The easiest way to install the whole adventure is to click on one of these compendia and click "Yes" in the pop-out that asks you if you want to install the Kobold Tunnels adventure. It will import everything contained within the adventure, and automatically link all actor tokens on a scene with their respective actor sheets. To navigate to a different scene, go to your scenes tab, and with a right-click on a scene, you can Toggle Navigation and/or click View Scene to bring it to your main screen. If this doesn't help, please let us know which step is causing issues so we can try troubleshooting more easily." Hope this helps! -The DM Dave Team


Perfection! Thanks so much!!!


Hi! I can't seem to find the foundryvtt manifest url or the zip file... how can I download the?


Maybe I am confused or mistaken, but I am dismayed that so many of the adventures and such that I joined this Patreon to receive access too, seem to require me to join other patreons or make additional purchases. I joined at a Gold Teir, so 25 bucks a month is not, to me, an insignificant amount of cash. Where can I get the maps for this adventure, without paying an additional fee to some other creator? I don't mean this to sound rude, but this is frustrating.


Hi Joseph, As a Gold Tier patron you have access to Foundry VTT files and digital assets for all adventures posted within the last 30 days. Currently there are 7 full adventures you still have access to the VTT files for and you can find the links to them through the Foundry Library: https://www.patreon.com/posts/dmdaves-foundry-49703107 Kobold Tunnels is more than 2 months old. If you're looking for the VTT files for this adventure you can purchase them through the DMDave.com store, which is where all VTT files are migrated to after 30 days. -The DMDave Team


I appreciate your response - and I was not a member at that time. Thats a totally reasonable time limit. Thank you for the explaination.


Just trying to understand the limitations of membership. If we have been an active, paying member, but didn't grab the link to the assets before they are "archived", we have to pay again to get access to the archive version?

Dan Rice

Basically, yes. Become a digital packrat, and download everything when it's available so you don't have to worry about it.


Hi Michael, Access to VTT content on Patreon is limited to 30 days, after which point it is retired to the DMDave.com store. If you miss your 30 day window you can still use your Patreon discount code on the DMDave.com store when purchasing the digital asset pack so you get it at a reduced price. So long as you are checking the DMDave Patreon once every 30 days you shouldn't miss any of the VTT posts as they go up and are available. -The DMDave Team


Hi Dan, So long as you are checking the DMDave Patreon once every 30 days you shouldn't miss any of the VTT posts as they go up and are available. -The DMDave Team