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Hey all!

If you didn't already know (how dare you if you didn't!!! :P) we are not only live on Kickstarter, BUT we managed to get this sucker funded in just 6 minutes flat.

Thank you all so much for making this dream come true. As a creative, I never know how well received something will be until it actually goes out and sees the world. And you helped show me and the entire DMDave staff that we create content that you care about.

This is just day one, too! We've still got a lot work to do!

In the meantime, we hope to continue to deliver the same level of quality—and perhaps more so—that you've come to expect from us.

Thank you! We love you!

- Dave

PS If you haven't backed already, jump on it now. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/davidhamrick/pexias-guide-to-omeria-fifth-edition-campaign-sourcebook


Pexia's Guide to Omeria Fifth Edition Campaign Sourcebook

David Hamrick is raising funds for Pexia's Guide to Omeria Fifth Edition Campaign Sourcebook on Kickstarter! A new Fifth Edition campaign setting with an adventure path that takes characters from level 1 - 11.


AJ Downs



Just pledge for the worldbuilding 😁

Chris Bishop

Just backed!.... so is it ready yet?!?! lol


I was at work and missed the early bird 20% off. Was that a one-time deal?


Sign up and pledge now, but keep an eye on that early bird tier. Especially as it gets closer to the end. folks have been known to drop out and leave a spot open and you can snag it later.