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Transmuters who enjoy animating objects as guardians and companions are limited only by their imagination. Below are two more common examples of animated objects.

Constructed Nature. An animated object doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep.

The magic that animates an object is dispelled when the construct drops to 0 hit points. An animated object reduced to 0 hit points becomes inanimate and is too damaged to be of much use or value to anyone.

Animated Bookshelf

Mages and book-cluttered shelves often go hand in hand. As such, animated bookshelves are a common site in their lairs.

Animated Wardrobe

Wizards can bring their standing cabinets to life through transmutation magic. These constructs use the clothing that hangs within to grapple and restrain opponents.




Great addition to add to the death house in the beginning of the curse of strahd!


Get ready to throw the players into the house from Disney's Beauty and the Beast. ;)