[Cover Image] The Hand of the Eight (Patreon)
Folks, here is the promotional cover photo for the Hand of the Eight, the level 1-20 campaign I'll be crafting for the next 35 days in my 35-in-35 challenge. I think I did a pretty nifty job of making it look like a real 5e cover. Thanks for Dean Spencer for the awesome commercial art license and thanks to everyone who voted earlier for the overall title of the campaign.
Here is the breakdown of how each day will break out from December 1st to January 4th.
December 1st - 1st-Level Adventure - The Storm of Mega
December 2nd - 2nd-Level Adventure - ???
December 3rd - 3rd-Level Adventure - ???
December 4th - 3rd-Level Adventure - ???
December 5th - 4th-Level Adventure - ???
December 6th - 4th-Level Adventure - ???
December 7th - 5th-Level Adventure - ???