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Hey friends,

What sort of holiday reward would you like to see? Let me know in the comments below!



Something you and your patrons build together. For example in a city people could request shops or landmarks and you can build the city around it. Or on a larger continental scale people could request landmarks like floating islands or crystal tree forests. I think a collaboration event would be cool


No I've only been a patron for a few months now. I remember seeing bits on instagram about it though. I meant something on a much smaller scale


It was super popular. Just hard to keep up with. I'd love to do something like that again where it's totally crowdsourced again. Cze/Peku and I have been talking about doing some joint projects, so we might bring it back—build out the world that we're doing the adventures in.


With all the awesome projects happening now I can see why its off the table; but if the future ever allows it it's definitely something I'd find fun and interesting.


What if patrons all submitted some puzzles and you cleaned them up and put them in a compendium?