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Here's an excerpt from the upcoming Maze of the Storm Lady:

8 - The Loop

This area only exists if the Tempusfuge is not set to a state. This area is nothing more than a dark hallway that loops back in on itself, appearing this way in almost all of the maze's states, including the second. 

Creatures in this area who try to open the Reality Door (the double-doors connecting this Area to Area 7) while the Tempusfuge is set, discover that it is sealed shut and remains that way until the Tempusfuge resets. Any creature with proficiency in Arcana who has previously operated the Tempusfuge and moved through the Reality Door from its other side immediately recognizes that the Reality Door must remain shut while the machine is in operation; otherwise, it's likely to cause a catastrophe that could potentially unravel the very fabric of the cosmos (made all the better if they actually say as much to their colleagues).

Regardless, a stubborn creature can use its action to make a DC 25 Strength check to pull apart the door. Successfully doing so immediately creates a rip in space and time. The current state of the Maze is instantly destroyed, and all creatures within the maze are completely erased from existence and memory (sorry, no save). Following this event, should the Tempusfuge be set to the destroyed state again, the machine makes a loud buzzing sound then resets while each of its 12 panels flashes the word 'ERROR.'




I could imagine my players trying to open the door 😂