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Hey all!

Some folks ask about what I do at my day job. I write for a tech company that creates software for e-commerce sellers. Just this week, I started a series that shares the steps I took in building DMDave and everything else tied into that. While it's not my typical content here on DMDave, I figured I might as well share it so you can get a look in on what I do. Plus, if you're involved in art/writing/content creation, you might find it useful.

(Don't worry, I fully expect to put up some more 5e content today.)


How to Build an E-Commerce Brand - Part 1: Identify Your Brand

Four years ago, I quit my day job in sales and started focusing on my Amazon business full-time. I'd never done anything entrepreneurial in my life! I had limited funds in my bank account. I was leaving behind a well-paying job. In summary, it was risky.



Dave when you are done with your series on e-commerce branding would you please create a downloaded pdf.


I'll see if I can. Technically, that content is owned by my employer.


Thank you Dave, I will read it online. Thank you for sharing.