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Huge month this month! Without ranting too much, here's what you can expect from DMDave in November:

Aberranterrra - Probably the biggest release this month will be the core ruleset for Aberranterra, the post-apocalyptic world that Miska Fredman and I are collaborating on. You can probably expect those rules around the 7th.

Buckler October - One of the first things I'm doing this weekend is putting all of October's content into Buckler. 

BroadSword November (PDF) - Issue #3 of BroadShould should be out either next week or the week after. The theme is science-fiction and includes a TON of adventures.

Neverending Dungeon - NED continues with all new rooms. Already, I owe like 3-4, so expect one of those today. Also, once NED hits 1,000 lines in GMBinder I'll probably turn it out into its own book. I'm playing with the idea of selling physical copies on Amazon, too, using Create Space to print 'em. But I might wait 'til there's at least 100 physical pages or so (probably about 50 rooms).

NaNoWriMo - This one is probably ambitious, but I'm going to attempt NaNoWriMo which will see me try to write a novel from start to finish in November ON TOP of all the other stuff I'm doing. It's only 50k words which I normally do in a week. We'll see. This is just icing and will be available to Silver+ most likely.

Superhydra Adventure - Similar to Kobold Cauldron, Tether and the other adventures I've worked on with Griffon's Saddlebag, Cze/Peku, Paper Forge, and IADnDMN, November's adventure will be even bigger and better than past adventures.

And a shit ton more...

This is just the stuff I have planned. As always, I'll be adding more.

If there's anything else you're interested in seeing this month, let me know in the comments below.

PS New content this morning is coming. Halloween's been busy—did the whole dad-goes-trick-or-treating thing last night—but now that the weekend is here, I should be back on track. Thanks all! Much love! <3


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