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We did it! We unlocked the first room for the Tunnels of the Lich Prince.

While I'm probably going to change most of the numbers on the rooms (they're kinda all over the place), I decided to keep #1 right where it is.

If you weren't able to "Where's Waldo" where it is, I've cut and pasted it above so you can see it. The doors with S's are secret doors, and the door with a line through it is trapped.

Since this is the start of the adventure, what's up with this room?

Don't forget that a new room opens with every 10 patrons (currently once every 2-3 days). So be sure to share and get some more folks involved!



The characters stumble across an ancient temple or ruin but once they cross the threshold it’s revealed to be a gate to an extradimensional space of the Lich Prince’s making