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Looking for ways to trip up those pesky, over-powered characters that are stomping through your campaign? The traps detailed in this series focus on effects that require specific saving throws and ability checks.

This is the third article and we're up to Constitution. The trap for Constitution is pretty simple, and plays not so much on Constitution saving throws or checks, but instead the rules for a character holding its breath. In Fifth Edition, a character can hold its breath for a number of minutes equal to its Constitution modifier (minimum of 30 seconds). At early levels, there aren't a lot of natural traits, spells, or magic items that assist in breathing underwater. Therefore, characters must rely solely on their natural breath-holding abilities. Hence, this beast.

I've included both the PDF and the art file.



Brad Koch

This is cool, but I am not following. Maybe I am missing something? Even a person with a negative mod can hold their breath for 10 rounds. That is 600 feet/120 squares of movement. They will hit MANY air pockets in that time, regardless of what way they go.


Hey! So here's how it breaks out. A character can hold its breath for a number of minutes equal to 1 + its Con mod (minimum of 30 seconds). 30 seconds is 5 rounds. However, a character can only move at half speed while swimming. So a character can move only 150 feet in 30 seconds, or 30 squares.

Brad Koch

Ah! Min is 30 seconds. Ok. And totally forgot swim speed! I will totally modify it to make it harder for my higher level party, but I still love the idea


Adjusted based on the make up of the party. If everyone has high con scores then take out some of the air pockets. And if you make it difficult terrain then the cost for swimming is 4 feet per1 foot of movement