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I kept sitting and thinking about the munchkin race I made earlier. Something didn't sit right with me about it. And then it hit me: the D&D format just looks funky with it. If I'm going to go for Kitschy/Whimsy with this project, I'm going to emulate the entire thing the best I can.

So I spent about an hour cooking up this page in Photoshop for the munchkin class. While it might look like the original book on first glance, you'll notice that I've completely changed the content. Also, I had to do a lot of alterations to the illustration (the original pic was of Toto and Dorothy, not a munchkin). 

I feel like this captures the spirit of the original books much better than the typical tan/red layout of the 5e books.

What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments below.




I like it!


Yeah I agree, the DnD format just didn’t fit. I’m liking the munchkin illo.