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Currently, I'm working on the adventure Quarantine (about 8500 words in), but I need the names of 8 NPCs who are stuck at a local inn. 

Here's what you can do, my dear, dear Patrons. In the comments, provide the followin information:

  • The name of the NPC
  • The NPC's alignment, gender, and race
  • The stat block of the NPC (must be one of the ones in Appendix B of the Monster Manual)
  • A short description of the NPC--no more than two sentences, please

First eight (that aren't absurdly goofy) will get listed in the adventure, printed in BSM #2, and you'll get credit! Weeee!

Looking forward to it.



Harrow Silverwind Male Chaotic Neutral half-elf uses spy stat block. His cover job is a bard where he is loved by all who hear him play. His other life is a spy where no one knows how he actually looks but he only works for the highest bidder.


Jacob Harlow Lawful Good, Male, Human Spy stat block Jacob Harlow is lean, has short hair, glasses, and facial hair on his chin. He is an introvert that looks like he isn't paying attention to anyone around him, but he actually notices every detail of what is going on around him.