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Happy end of the month, folks! 

You probably notice I've been quiet the last week. I've been working on three things:

  • First, BroadSword Magazine is getting its layouts together. Scott and I have been hard at work to make sure it perfectly captures the look of the old magazines.
  • Next, I'm working on the psionics book. It's probably going to be bleed into next week some, but I'm nearly done with everything I want to put in it.
  • Finally, I've been hard at work on my Dark Sun conversion which has been a bit of a pet project of mine.

Anyways, to whet your whistles until I can get psionics wrapped up, I thought I might share with you all a dose of BroadSword Magazine.

Without any further ado, here's the Battle of Dragard Mine and the Mass Combat rules that will be appearing in the first issue.




Love the layout and look.