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Hey folks,

I know there's been a few changes since January. And my exit surveys--especially from long-time patrons--haven't always been, uh... "nice." LOL

The original concept for this Patreon was to 1) create requests and 2) put out PDFs of my content.

Unfortunately, #1 turned out to be very difficult, especially when I got hit with a ton of new Patrons at the end of January. When you have less than 30 patrons it's easy. With 100+ it's totally impossible.

#2 is good to go, but with BroadSword on the horizon, doing 60 page books every month is uh... hard. Heh! However, the shorter form books are way easier and I can probably put out one of those each week.

I've had a few ideas of what to do, but I thought I might turn to all of you and ask what sort of content you want to see.

We have a pretty varied mix of folks on here and everyone is sure to have his/her own opinion. And I realize that I won't always be able to make people happy. But I think I need to get a lot more "niche" with what I'm creating. In other words, I need to either focus on just one aspect of Fifth Edition and not try to do too many things at once.

Let me know what you'd like to see down in the comments below.




Probably the biggest thing for me is to commit to projects. Time and time again I’ve seen you disband projects, which sucks because so many of those were awesome. I think if you only set a small amount of time aside to work on the projects it won’t eat up as much into what else you may work on. Add some Patreon community feedback and you’ve got something great.


I also think it may not be completely impossible to remove commissions. You could restrict it to ___ amount of commissions per month after paying ___ amount, similarly to how popular artists do commissions. This being said its just an idea, i think you've expressed your opinion on commissions to a great extent already.