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Hey everyone!

BroadSword magazine is officially LIVE on Kickstarter, and already we're half way to our funding goal. Should have it smashed out before lunch time.

If you're a Patron at the $15 Electrum level, you'll already get a digital copy coming your way in addition to the other patron benefits.

If you're a Patron at the $25 - $50 (Gold and Platinum) level, you'll get a physical copy.

Either which way, if you could share the link to your friends, foes, co-workers, and more, it'd be greatly appreciated!

We're really excited about the stuff coming out in this magazine, and a majority of the content will be influenced by Patrons such as yourselves.

Here's the link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/davidhamrick/broadsword-magazine 

Thank you all for your continued support! <3




Already done bud