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This is the new request log for March with updates. 

Be sure to get your requests in on this sheet now. 

Here are the current requests that I'm working through, too. I've put everyone's name and their CT balance which is BEFORE I create the thing they've asked for:

  • Voidbrand, Dragon Knight Class (Chris R, 24 CTs)
  • Spellbound Woods Adventure, Awakened Dog Race (Keith T, 24 CTs)
  • Worm Monsters (Josh D, 8 CTs)
  • White Crown (Romain, 32 CTs)
  • Jade Blade (John W, 34 CTs)
  • Warlock Shadow Subclass (Fred L, 16 CTs)
  • John Deer (Patrick H, 11 CTs)
  • Mutated Cougars (Ian B, 9 CTs)
  • Charismatic Shapeshifting Race (Kitnal, 15 CTs)
  • Location-based Adventure (Travis C, 15 CTs)
  • Naith + Adventure (Charlie R, 19 CTs)
  • Avelynn, Dark Knight, Event-based Adventure, Blueshift x1 (Gilyth T, 17 CTs)
  • Inky Monster (Sam E, 15 CTs)
  • Adult Shadow Dragon BBEG (Zach M, 9 CTs)
  • Paladin Armor (Joseph P, 16 CTs)
  • Christian Subclasses (John T, 10 CTs)
  • DMDave Megadelve x2 (Mauricio, 18 CTs)
  • DMDave Megadelve x1, Blueshift x2 (Nathaniel W, 9 CTs)
  • Blueshift x2 (Pedro J, 8 CTs)
  • Light/Dark Class (Fred L, 16 CTs)
  • Gravity Monk-related race (Ryan, 7 CTs) 

Note that I've only put the CT balances for only those who currently have requests open. I'm resetting everyone's CTs even if you've already had posts in this past.

For those who don't remember what they requested, here is the previous request log: https://www.patreon.com/posts/requests-put-in-25152400 

Here is the catalog for CTs: https://www.patreon.com/posts/creation-token-25210865

Request Addendums

Here are a couple additional things that you can add to your request.

  • Move your request to the "front of the line": +5 CTs
  • Have your request put into PDF format: x 1.5 CTs (rounded down; for example, it would cost 2 CTs to make a monster plus 1 CT to make it into a PDF, or 8 CTs to make an event-based adventure and another 4 CTs to put it into a PDF)

Tip Jars

Here are the tip jars that are available for the next week or so. Basically, a tip jar is a topic or thing that I'm interested in working on that I'm discounting.

  • Monsters (Non-Legendary) - 1 CT
  • Blueshift - 1 CT per 500 words
  • Mass Combat Rules - 1 CT per 500 words
  • Gods of Wandrossa Revamp - 2 CTs per 500 words

Gods of Wandrossa Revamp

So I'm doing a limited version of Gods of Wandrossa. It will work somewhat similar to the way it did last time, except it's 100% driven by CTs. The more CTs put towards a task, the more likely it is to succeed. Furthermore, CTs don't only have to come from you. You can team up with others. And those others don't even have to be on the "same side" as you.

For example, one god wants to conquer Bygrove spending 3 CT. It costs 5 CTs to do this. Another God wants to "stop them" by spending 2 CTs. The task is successful, however, the story has it so the two gods "fight" over the area for the better story. That way, GoW is competitive but not hypercompetitive like it was last time--and goes for a better story. And there will be a few rules I'm tossing in:

  • Everyone needs to remain civil on the group chat. Any unsportsmanship-like conduct immediately disqualifies someone from participating. 
  • To accomplish tasks, people need to work together, especially bad guys and good guys. This is to make a better story.
  • I'm only doing this once or twice per month. If this works out, I'll increase it.

You can put your GoW actions below. You have 1 week to put in CTAs. So be sure to go over to Discord and work it out with whomever you want to work with on your angles, storylines, etc. The better storyline/angle, the more likely your task is to succeed.

Here is the link to the Discord chat: https://discord.gg/HNmqESK

I look forward to everyone's updated requests!



Hi, Dave! I had sent a request for you to riff on my sketch for a more flexible blast-cantrip setup for Warlocks a while back, and I don't know where that ended up on your queue. <a href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ztRNQK6-30bwUAh2W56SAz-P-JgLmW9VOvAlE4Iwk2I/edit?usp=sharing" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ztRNQK6-30bwUAh2W56SAz-P-JgLmW9VOvAlE4Iwk2I/edit?usp=sharing</a> If that's too far out of the range of normal requests, no worries! Additionally/alternatively, here's a morning lego-creation monster-request from my five-year-old: "This is an animal that can be a friend for your team. He can fly when he sticks his legs out because he can shoot fire jets out of his feet, but when he walks he can be invisible. Do you see how his eyes are? That's how you know he's nocturnal. Actually, maybe he's not a friend, because he would really like those Mean Dark Elves that are after your team's treasure! This kind of animal is called a Walker. This one's name is Walker Talkie." <a href="https://imgur.com/a/TowZvQB" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/a/TowZvQB</a> (for monster-calibration, this monster will probably encounter my "team" when they're around level 5) Thanks!


I'm running a campaign that has been going on for about a year now, and my players are about to finally encounter the main antagonist for the first time (without fighting him, I hope.) and I had this idea for a boss they could fight that he could summon. The villain is one of the Secundus of Mechanus gone rogue, and has someone managed to take control of the Modron from Primus. My idea for a monster would be a massive swarm of Modron, all of the connecting and working together as a single unit, and using their numbers even to attack. Perhaps having some kind of AOE abilities, or even the ability to split off into multiple pieces. That would be great, actually. If its possible with my 2 CT's thats great, if not I'm more than willing to wait and stack up some before its fleshed out. Thank you for your amazing work, and keep it up! Also, do bare in mind I want to use this creature as a boss and maybe even as a regular encounter, but if its not possible to make it into more of a boss kind of monster, thats alright.