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Again, another awesome year of events, folks.

I've updated the sheet to the best of my ability, but I realize there's been a few tier upgrades since I last fiddled with it. 

Here is the sheet: Gods of Wandrossa Reference Sheet 

Also, a handful of folks hit a new rank:

  • Grodalf ascended to rank 2, becoming a demigod.
  • Hedera ascended to rank 2, becoming a demigoddess.
  • Urasil ascended to rank 2, becoming a demigod.

Each of you have been awarded 1 Creation Token.

The VP for this round is Yaunthom.

Why? Because he had the cajones to stand up against the big bad evil god Indronyx. He may not have won the battle, but the war is just beginning. 

Yaunthom is awarded 1 Creation Token.


Please let me know any errors or mistakes in the error log over on Discord. 

Looking forward to tomorrow's actions!


[Gods of Wandrossa] Year 9K4 - Whispers of the Phoenix

What follows is an account of the events that occurred in the fourth year of the Ninth Kingdom. This history is woven together from eye-witness testimonies, rumors, and the songs of bards across all Known Wandrossa. Known Wandrossa These are the events that occurred across multiple locations in Wandrossa.



Lots of wasted potential, there. No one is grateful for the work put in by the god of the Grave, it seems... but that's to be expected. Mortals showered in blessings from dozens of gods, and they "retch". Prosperity unparalleled, people allow to govern themselves, and they're far from grateful. I have half a mind to let them taste the Iron Lord's iron fist and see if they like it better ! Also... I compassionately help an angel grieve, and suddenly I'm worshipped by a bunch of bloodsuckers I despise ? Somehow, Yaunthom gets praised even though he almost started an apocalypse ? Seriously, after all I've done... all WE've done... Makes one want to turn evil.