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Hey folks,

There's a few things that I want to express here before I go any further because there seems to be some confusion. I hope you don't mind explaining my thought process behind the game and how it works.

First, this game is currently being "prototyped" with you all. That means, there's some features and functionality that aren't working right away. Powers, Chosen Ones, etc. As we go, I'm adding new elements into it. In tech, we call this an "MVP" or minimum viable product. As I get out the kinks for the base elements, I can add in more of the "like to have" stuff.

So why not just create all the rules and run with it? Creating the entire thing from scratch and then throwing it out there would be foolish and poor design. It makes no sense to create an entire system of powers, Chosen Ones, etc., only to have to go all the way back to the drawing board with the main engine, which is temples and followers. Think of it like this: how can I create an "expansion" while the base game itself doesn't work?

Second, having said that, it's probably going to be rough at times. Not only am I having to maintain control of the game, but I'm also having to create content, market, and do all the other things on the side that I normally do. GoW right now is taking up huuuge chunks of my time. But I like it and a majority of you like it, so I'm willing to invest in it. That's why I'm bringing on probalby not one--but two--assistants.

Third, fluff is coming. And you guys are shaping it. But right now, while we're ironing this stuff out, it's going to be pretty sparse. Hopefully I'll be able to jump back on that soon.

If you want to participate in this, great! Just know that I'm working dang hard to keep it going. If it's too shaky or seems weird, and you don't feel right being part of it, you can still be a patron and get all the normal benefits you would expect. With two new helpers starting this week and next, I'll have plenty of bandwidth to develop great content.

As always, I'm an open book. Feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions and I'll help out any way I can.

Thanks again everyone! Y'all are awesome!



"How can I create an expansion when the base game itself isn't working?" Have you tried asking some video game developers? Ba dun ts But seriously I'm having a great time. Thanks for all the hard work.


Dude understandable, it's awesome so far I'm excited to see how the world is shaped by us and hopefully we actually become real God's in the module you make , and I'm haveing a great time , do what you have to do ,I'm haveing fun! Thank you 😎