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All right, folks! I just finished drafting up the God Class. Hopefully, I'll have the other rules drafted by next Monday so we can get started on the first Year of play. Worst case scenario, we'll start the first Monday in March.

Here are the rules: https://dmdave.com/gods-of-wandrossa-god-class/

If you have questions (I'm sure you will since you're only seeing one piece of the actual ruleset), let me know below.

Remember: this is all optional and (currently) won't affect your tiers. If I do change the tiers, they will be more or less in line with how they normally work.

Looking forward to running this awesome game!



Will you want each Patron to keep track of their own individual God traits and abilities? Or will you have a database for it? Or will you need someone to assist and keeping track of it?


I'll have a Google doc that'll have all the data on it when starting off. And yes, eventually, I'll probably have to bring on an assistant. :)


Does everyone start at the same level or will your starting level be based on your tier?


It’ll be based on tiers. Higher tiers can start lower if they want. And copper can reach 20 through good play