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The poll re: the reasons why Blackleaf had so much evil in it was fairly divided, with lots of great ideas coming in. The overall winner was the idea of a Dead God being buried below the forest; an earthquake cracked open its chamber, affecting the forest. 

Second place was the permanent eclipse that cast a shadow on the land. Personally, I really liked this one. I even did a little research; it's scientifically possible for this to happen, just not on earth. But it would make the tides pretty insane in that region since the moon would be permanently locked with the planet.

In third place was the idea of a parallel dimension having devoured the original Blackleaf Forest, replacing it with its evil counterpart.

The question I have for you all is this: should we just take the entry that won (marginally, mind you), or do a combination of the top 3? Or perhaps, it should be a combination of ALL these elements. Afterall, the Blackleaf Forest is fairly massive.

Let me know in the poll below. One vote per patron, ends in 24 hours.



So if all three are combined would that mean that in the parallel universe the entire forest is constantly in light, and “daytime” is, say, 16 hours of darkness and 8 hours of light like a day cycle but flipped. On top of that would there also be a dead god in the parallel


Yeah, I'm interested to see how it plays out. Looks like so far everyone wants all three to be happening, so that's kinda cool.


I feel like we should just stick to one because the players might get a HUGE info-dump and only truly get a few things out of it. And maybe the dead God's lingering mojo is still there turning regular animals in huge beasts (god-infested animal would be a cool new monster). And if the players are there too long, they could contract the dead god disease and get some boons from it, but if it progresses too far, they die due to their bodies being unable to contain that much power.


We'll see! Just because the history is known, doesn't mean players have to know it all. We'll figure it out. Right now, the solutions are about neck and neck, so we'll see how it goes.