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A couple days ago, I introduced a blank map that I created using donjon's map generator. It has a few names on it, some geography, but that's it. Here it is:

I don't know anything about this world. Which is kind of overwhelming and thrilling all at the same time.

Today I got this crazy idea: what if YOU GUYS helped me build this world? The more I started thinking about it, the more excited I got. 

"This could be the first campaign world totally built by Patrons!"

Here's how it works!

Here are the ways that you will all help me build this new world. 

First, you'll give me the normal requests through your tiers. Each request that I get will be tied into a new part of the world. Say, for example, someone requests a gunslinger class. Well, that means that I need to put the gunslinger somewhere in the world. If you create a monster, that monster exists somewhere in Wandrossa. Ditto magic items, etc. You're creating the lore! I'm just "DMing" it, giving it flavor, and making the world come to life.

Second, I'll host polls every day that will build upon the world. So far the polls have been a big hit. About 50% of the people here are pretty involved with it. But now the polls can be about things such as "how many Gods are there in Wandrossa?" and "what should the adventures be about?" 

Things like this will help create our world together.

It all ties together with the book releases.

The monthly books will still come out in the "magazine" style format that you saw before with EVIL. But in addition to those, I'll have the adventure series which will be set in Wandrossa as well as the campaign books that will build upon the lore that we all create together. And looking at how things are going, Monster Manuals aren't far behind.

Then, when the books come out, everyone will get their name thrown in as co-contributors.

One bad news item, though...

Unfortunately, I'm going to have to cancel Omerian Echo. As excited as I was to get it going, I'm just not sure that it'll fit into my schedule. As it stands, I kept looking at the content requirements for it and how it just didn't jam with everything else going on. That doesn't mean Omerian Echo can't ever come back around, but for now it's best that it's shelved. I'd rather shelf it and love it, than pick at it and hate it.

However, without having Omerian Echo on my plate, it gives me a lot more time to focus on requests, exclusive content for Patreon, and everything that's going on with Wandrossa!

I'm pretty excited about this!

Already, we're building the first adventure together (which looks like it's going to be Fey versus Aberrations in some sort of mystery). Soon, the requests will start coming in, too. And with those, we'll have some lore to build upon. 

Some things to consider...

Wandrossa doesn't have any hard limits to what's possible. So long as an idea or request doesn't undo the very fabric of the world, everything's up for grabs. Gunslingers, werewolf playable races, airships (or rocket ships!) whatever you want. You dream it, we'll make it fit.

Also, everything that's already out there available from "those dang wizards" will be playable in Wandrossa. Elves, dwarves, half-orcs, tieflings, fighters, wizards, etc. I might do polls to see how they fit in to the world--for example, are elves bad guys in this world? Are dwarves flying around in airships? Etc--and other things to build the lore with all of you.

Major wandrossa events.

My goal for this year is to get DMDave up to 1.5 million viewers and get this patron up up up. If that happens, then there could be huge Wandrossa events at conventions, too! Plus, swag is probably right around the corner for patrons of Electrum+.

TL;DR - let's build a world together!

Sad to lose Omerian Echo, but excited at the prospects of this world, Wandrossa. The request I'm working on right now--tacticians--will be the first official element included in Wandrossa with more awesome stuff on the way.

See you soon!



SO hype.


Oh this is going to be such an amazing project, let's do this!!