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If you're already a patron, don't worry, you're grandfathered in to the old tiers.

There are now 5 tiers here:

Copper Club - Gets full access to the PDF versions of all of the contest content and Dave stuff that gets made on DMDave.com. Plus, it comes with voting rights and DMDave swag!

Silver Club - All the benefits of copper club, plus silver club only stuff. These will be select items from the other tiers as well as stuff I make just for Patreon. Plus, this is the tier that will get the quarterly campaign setting.

Electrum Club - All of silver and copper, plus electrum stuff. Also, this is the first tier that gets to make requests which are available in PDF form only to Electrum club members (save for a select few that will be put into silver).

Gold Club - All of the PDFs from before along with gold level stuff. Gold gets its own requests, too, albiet a little more involved than electrum's.

Platinum Club - All of the stuff from before--PDFs, campaign setting, etc--plus it gets big, fat requests such as new classes and gets to see the DM Dave Workshops. These will be multi-hour vidoes showing you how to create new content for Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition. PLUS I'll throw in printed copies of select books.

Let me know if there's any questions regarding these tiers. Thanks to everyone that's signed up and I really look forward to getting things rolling in the new year.

Take care!



I’m confused, as an older patron where do I stand in terms of making requests for content? Hope ur going well man


Hey Joshua! Sorry for the confusion. You can stay back at $3 if you like or anywhere in between. Those who signed up beforehand are grandfathered in with the old rules. :)


Fantastic, well I’ve upgraded from $3 to $7 anyway. You deserve so much more man but I’ll give all I can ;) go well bro


Looks neat ! I might join the platinum club !