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those toothy kirby pictures got me inspired to create a monster based on them. I call these "puffmaws". They are bberrant fey beasts (extraplanar) from the furthest reaches of the the dreaming where that realm no longer touches with the world of men.

They come in all sizes, and exist to C O N S U M E.



Crane's Shadow

A slice o' fey and far realm.

Crane's Shadow

Also, put them in towers for that Link's Awakening reference.


i already have a dungeon idea brewing. a lighthouse tower that exists in a liminal space that rests between the world of men, the world of the faerie, and the dreaming where some of these have taken up residence. It resides in the dreaming most of the with a ghostly echo in the faerie, but once every few years it shows up in the world of men. And i dunno yet how to funnel my players into it (not that i have players atm, i'm a player in Sassy's game now)