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I dunno when i'm going to have the motivation or time to get back to this, so have a snippit from a story I'm writing... ?


Lord Fenton Sundowner of Delsyn rode his parade mare towards the gates of his parent's estate. His father, the Margrave Consul had recently stepped down as Marquis of Westmarch leaving the rulership to his sister Ava. Fen's plan today was to meet with his mother and see if she could teach him a spell. One of his close friends, an innkeeper and priestess named Cerah, was pregnant and he wanted to know the spell that would ensure a healthy and safe birth. Even were he not the father by blood of the child he would still want to know the spell and to be there to assist in the birth. She's one of his closest friends afterall.

Coming to the gates, he was greeted by two familiar faces. One a younger fellow roughly Fen's own age, Garin a man Fen went to formal schooling with. And the other man, Bertram, had been on the castle guard all of Fen's life. As they waved him through Fen couldn't help but to admire their large powerful muscles, moving around their halberds with ease. Garin was quite fit and Fen took note to test the waters later. Bertram gave him a knowing wink, and Fen couldn't tell if was because Bertram was telling him something about Garin, or if he was recalling the times Fen would ride Bertram so hard they'd both need magical healing afterward. Either way Fen returned a wide innocent-looking smile.

Fen led his horse the stables being met half way by a younger boy. Dismounting Irethial, Justice in the sylvan tongue, he handed the reins to the boy and passed him a gold coin for his service.

"L, lord Fenton, I ca-"

Fenton reached up and pressed a finger to the boys lips, the boy wasn't even old enough to be done with schooling but actually taller than Fen.


Returning his hand to his pocket he took another out and pressed it into his hand.

"It is my money, and I will do with it what I please. Use one to do something nice for your mother and the other for yourself. I recommend a weapon. Something you can train with to become big and strong."

Fen turned to head into the estate.

"Treat Irethial well, and there are two more tomorrow."

With a confident stride, he headed to the manor. Much smaller than the mansion he grew up in but still far larger than his personal estate - his mother had it constructed a few years ago when it was decided that Ava would take the iron crown as soon as father returned from a campaign into the borderlands.

Crossing the gardens he winced as he heard an all too familiar squeal.


It was Senna, his maid. A rather large drakonian lady he rescued from slavery last year. Energetic and loyal, although not too bright. She barreled towards him across the remainder of the gardens grabbing him and squeezing his face into her ample bosom. She could be a nuisance at times, but he really did enjoy her company.

"Master, I gave you a sending stone so you could let me know when you're coming home. You're supposed to message me so I can make sure your- EEE!"

Fen cut her off with a twisting pinch to the sizable and pierced nipple on her left breast.

"Settle down Senna. I wasn't planning on heading home. It was just after a week of not knowing where to find the spell I need to learn, I decided to ask mom and headed here fast. Cerah's only a couple weeks away from giving birth."

Senna pouted.


"What are you doing here anyway Senna?" Putting an audible capital S on her name. "Shouldn't you, you know, be doing your job?"

"Oh! Yeah, Lady Sharlene invites me over for tea almost every day now. She's been kinda lonely since Ava and your dad headed over to Valachan."

Fen prying himself out of Senna's breasts, each one about as large as his head. He took her by the hand and headed towards the manner.

"So dad's finally making Baron Reinov finally do something about the slavers?"

"Yeah, Lady Sharlene made him after I told her about..."

Senna's voice trailed off, remembering everything the slavers did to her, both the physical and sexual abuse, and using her for bodysculpting experiments.

Fen squeezed her hand comfortingly. "Good. Lets head in."


Fen had been inside the estate numerous times since it was built, but always marveled at the handwork of the interior. Checkered tiles on the floor where it wasn't some magically created red and gold carpet that never gets dirty, white plastered walls and carved stone pillars. Some of them are even living statues to guard the place when no one else can.

The estate's butler, an elderly fellow who'd been elderly for as long as Fen can remember, Iahred escorted Fen and Senna to the dining hall where Fen's mother was waiting. Sharlene stood and bowed to her son in a way one would to their lord. Her white linen top barely remained in place as her ample bust wobbled in the bow. Fen awkwardly shifting, trying not to lust after his own mother. "Welcome to my humble estate My Lord Fenton Sundowner of Delsyn." A mixture of amusement and actual reverence apparent in her voice.

"M.. mother! Please!"

"Yes, yes baby. I was just teasing." She waved the guards and butler out of the room. "Come on over here and give your mom a hug."

Fen moved over to his mother. She seemed enormous, nearly a foot taller than him and with heels that added another half a foot making his meager 5'4" feel even smaller. She embraced him, enveloping him in her breasts as Senna did earlier, but this time he couldn't really see anything other than the thin cloth of her top. What he found truly disarming, distracting, and distressingly arousing was the hard pebbles of her nipples pressed into those damnable wide-set pointed ears he inherited from dad.

After a hug that went on a little too long for his comfort, she released him and offered a seat to him and Senna. "Please, I was just starting high tea. I invited Senna, that mansion of yours is so far out from the town and has to be lonely for her, and I could use the company."

"Oh, thank you mother."

Senna, poured tea for the three of them, then took a seat next to Fen. She gave special care to be just close enough to him so he could not avoid knowing her presence but also far enough to keep noble decorum. Sharlene's thick painted lips curved into a real smile that, were it not for her heavy framed thick lensed glasses, would have touched her eyes with earnest bemusement. Fen and her were borderline blind without those glasses, and still not the best at seeing long distance.

"So, darling, what brings you home so suddenly? Could it be that you were missing your lonely old mother?"



Very nice. I enjoyed the quick read. I like how he is trying to make sure Cerah and her child will be healthy and what not from the birth ^^