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You know the dril.



Since I'm getting back to Bounty Nephilim, let's get the last majorish character of the first few chapters drawn. Edwina, the daughter of the local adventurer's tavern. Design Ref: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/748699474125127760/1125077762521186374/image.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1102708981866180708/1125144581940457572/NINTCHDBPICT000491927093-scaled.jpg (No real major notes, just a smug and slightly chubby ojou-sama dressed in a fancy-ish old west madame style dress,) Pose: https://twitter.com/Uon_shiL_/status/1655901643349831680 https://twitter.com/makkusuoko/status/1438876115913695233 Doing ye olde ojou-sama pose.

Crane's Shadow

Elfuda from Elf Can't Lose Weight in a dress like the dress you recently drew Sharlene in. In the process of failing to keep to her diet. Image ref for Elfuda: https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/plussizedelfvolumeonecover.jpg Image ref for the dress: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FzkTE3QakAEm0yz?format=jpg&name=medium


New Oracin variant unlocked: Cyberpunk! I don't have a particular pose or scenario in mind, I'd just like to see this version drawn. Unfortunately all I've got for references are HeroForge sculpts, so I couldn't get the hair quite right. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/n7u25v4t81xq7h5/AACUrsZ1svAaQrHo-CSmxnUxa?dl=0