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EDIT: Added an alt in the downloads. ;3c

Lady Mendax is the Knight Protector of Fort Mendax, a small military outpost in the north of Raikovia (a neighboring barony to the march of Granleon). While it isn't commonly known, the fact that Baron of Raikovia is a vampire lord means that much of the gentry of Raikovia are undead.

One day Fen was staying in Fort Mendax on his way home from an adventure further northeast in Magirose. Lyra, knowing better than to feed on her own populace unless there is no other options, decided to prey upon him. Fen being an aetherchild (naturally born with magical talent), an egoist (sex magic user), and a haetera (member of the mother goddess's sex cult) had the perfect blend to addict Lyra immediately. His blood tasted like spicy orgasms, so she didn't drain him dry and now is scheming to replace Ennyo as Fen's betrothed.

Note: In DungeonPunk, vampires who are well fed are indistinguishable from living people (even being unaffected by magic that affects undead). However, as they get hungrier they become more pale and even begin to fade into ghost-like incorporeality.



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