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Turns out she's been a spriggan in disguise the whole time! A well (or poorly, depending on your point of view) timed dispelling resulted in Sandy being revealed as a spriggan using magic to hide her origin so she could go to magical college!

( Spriggan is the DungeonPunk name for greenskin style gobbos)



Crane's Shadow

Her slime familiar is giving me Link's Awakening vibes, here. edit: also the use of Spriggan in DungeonPunk mirrors M:tG's use of the term, while Elder Scrolls apparently hands the term to tree ladies. … also apparently the original mythos has them be ghosts of giants and have to ability to get huge, which explains some designs.


Yeye, I did a little reading up on 'em when I was deciding on the name. Since I use "Goblin" to refer to any small nuisance monster humanoid, I felt I needed a different name. I think the tree-people version comes from some later uses of the word where they were depicted as ugly little tree people who grew huge when angry.