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No cycle-based limit, but don't ask for more than your allotment (1 for $5, 2 for $10+), I'll try to get to all of them for this last month



If I can use both at once, can I get Jean and Sheva taking a selfie together? Just from like the chest up, arms around each other's shoulders, grinning and making peace signs with their fingers. I imagine Sheva would be holding the camera, since she's got longer arms. If them touching is too big of a nuisance to draw, can I just get them separately? Just a nice SFW send-off. Jean: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/8upzvtjxxagjl3hlsjak5/AD5NZrYLOJN2u-gHp5lUP7o?rlkey=id3y61qfkzif3x9wrhq5t23uf&dl=0 Sheva: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/1qmybwnraflksaxnnyeg0/AJiu65u00CHm94veJ3710Rw?rlkey=pj4tb957i9s5dvodjdstq0i5s&dl=0


since you're asking for a detailed pose, I need a reference that's close enough to what you're looking for


its been 4 days since the last request, so 'im closing this to new requests closed