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You know the rules, and so do I~~~



Aaaa, I don't have anything SUPER specific, but do you think you could do a pic of Stel in a similar sort of style as this Peony pic (but more personalized outfit to Stel, and her grumpy/nervous self), I think that'd be really fun!! Stel Ref: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ge4bmbc8vga6qlev425qt/Stel-Full-Outfit-TPBG.png?rlkey=helt75sqvrnfj19279ifj469l&dl=0 Big Jacket Peony: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3f5q7t0fbcg57cd4imrcg/Peony_Poof_Jakt.png?rlkey=80dbm391db7xr85tefqolj6sd&dl=0