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Hey guys!

Sorry for the radio silence the past couple weeks;; I had a little bit of a drawing burnout and kinda just wanted to chill a bit, but I should stay on top of giving you guys updates more. 

Going forward, I'm going to start posting more sketches and finished works for y'all and try to keep up some steady content. I'd like to start posting at least two finished arts per month, and I'll post my sketches as I make them. 

That said, there's not going to be a theme or character poll this month!

That's because we already have a theme: Juicy July! I'd like to focus on some blueberry expansion this month with different KH characters~ I'll still hold a poll after I post some sketches to see which one you guys wanna see finished toward the end of the month. 

Okay I don't really have anything after that, so have a good one and look forward to some fun sketches~


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