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Hey everyone! I'm going to try something different for this month's poll. Do you guys have any suggestions for kinks and/or scenarios you'd like to see? It can be as vague or detailed as you want and anything goes but I probably want to stick with characters I'm used to! So, a couple things:

  • anyone from Smash Bros, Fire Emblem, Kingdom Hearts, or Dangan Ronpa is fine
  • anything suited for either 1 or 2 characters is preferred 
  • anything more than 2 characters is fine if the extra characters are out of frame/disembodied peens (ie, group pics)

I'm not sure if something like this is too complicated or too much to ask but I wanted to try it out! Also, if you don't have any characters in mind and just want to leave a kink, I can attach someone appropriate to it when making the poll.

That's about it! Leave any ideas you have in the comments~!



i’m not really sure character-wise but something like public use/stuck in wall type of thing?

Dr. Oof

Not really sure but maybe chastity?