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Hey everyone! I swear I've been working on some more stuff for this month, things have just been crazy busy. I should have some art queued up almost everyday until the end of the month I think! I also wanted to quickly mention two major things I've been planning to do this year, which are:

  • draw some comics
  • set up a discord

I set up a $10 tier earlier in the month mainly to encourage myself to work on comic stuff! Comics can get pretty strenuous for me but I miss doing them so I wanted to try and do some smaller projects that are just a handful of pages or so. All nsfw tiers would get the finished product when it's eventually done but the single pages would go up on the new tier as they get completed (more info on comic stuff once I set up a proper FAQ page). 

A discord server has been on my mind for a while too (because the messaging system here makes me a little more fed up than it should, honestly). Just a chill place to chat, post previews, get better input, and have somewhere to go instead of disappearing for two weeks at a time on twitter😅 I'm not exactly that talkative, but who knows, it might be nice to have a small community~!

I think that's all for now. Thank you for being patient this month with my inactivity! More art is on the way!❤



* v * I love all these! Looking forward to your work this year~ ❤