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And you know what that means, right? All Patrons start getting comics early!


But, not yet.

The early comic that you guys have earned will be uploaded here on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday (Because I have a lot of homework). After the first early comic is updated on Patreon, new comics will be uploaded here every Saturday.  And, when I update the SSEC/ Eevee academy website's HTML, you can log in with Patreon and view the early comic on there as well.

Thank you all for donating! And Sorry that you have to wait a bit with the extra comic.



hi Pinkeevee222, I made an account for patreon and davinart, now I just need to know how to post and make the comics. can you help me because you are my favorite comic person. PLEASE!


Ya same I can't do comics that good so I need some tips plz!