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Hey guys! So. I'll be back to posting SSEC comics weekly this Saturday! I got quite the amount of work done! Hopefully I can continue finishing the things on my to do list! ^^

As some of you noticed, the rewards have been drastically updated! Well. I am in the process of revamping them! 

It turns out that a few of the rewards were a bit too much for me to handle ^^; Especially when stacked up with my normal things. So I'm in the process of revamping rewards.

I believe I said my plans before, but! I did do some slight updates to those. Here is what the prospective/new rewards/changes will be for each tier


  • I switched to an upfront payment method due to people becoming a Patron and dropping without paying. New Patrons will be paid upfront when coming in, and if you switch your pledge to a higher one, you'll be paid upfront for it.

Comic Vees and up

  • If a certain goal is met, extra Patreon exclusive SSEC chapters will begin being posted for everyone. Depending on the chapter, it might become public a year or 2 later.
  • First dibs on commissions and adoptables when I do them.
  • After a certain goal is met, you guys can be 5 comics ahead of the public! ^^ 

Sketchy Vees and up

  • Sketches and sneak peaks will still come as I can do them. Hopefully more frequently after certain goals are met.

Star Vees and up

  • Every other month I'll send over a postcard and sticker! I call it Star mail!! The theme/character will be voted on by you guys ^^ to get it though, you need to be pledged in either the VeeIP or Starvee tier for 2 months. More details will come later!
  • Gonna put up a poll at some point so I can see what Patreon fulfilled merch you guys would want to get, so I can switch the SSEC logo sticker out with actual SSEC characters


The VeeIP tier is mostly gonna be a donation tier from now on, but there are some extras you get by being one. 

  • 25% off commissions and adopts
  • 3 Patreon fulfilled items! These items will come every 3 months and will feature SSEC characters. More details later!

Thank you all for baring with me through my break! I really do appreciate all the support. Once I get everything up and running, I'll be advertising the Patreon more. All of these things will roll out slowly over time (I'm planning on having all the rewards ready by the end of summer) and I'll do polls to gage what direction to go in goal wise!

Thank you all again!! ^^ 


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