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Looks kind of messy =w=;
I use Microsoft one note so sorry for any weirdness.       

The last comic, SSEC 350 is actually a scrapped comic. I was going to put it next, but it seems better if I wait for all of that stuff in particular, because those guys are not the looming threat. There is also some other scrapped material in here, that might be repurposed for the future!

  SSEC 325

Sora: …


Aetherius: …What  are you doing?

Sora: …I… just  realized…

Sora: That nurse  joy lady said that I had a trainer….

Aetherius: ……..

Sora: That means…

Sora: It must be  HIS trainer too!

Sora: I can see Him  again as long as I stick to my trainer!

Aetherius: …

Aetherius: …Is that  why you came outside of the pokemon center?

Sora: I remember  more when I am an espeon! I wanted to think!!

Aetherius: … Is  your memory really that bad?

Sora: …..

Sora: I don't  remember if it is!

Aetherius: ……..

  SSEC 326

Aetherius: Here are  your stabilizers

Sora: Ah, thank you

Aetherius: …Master  with-

Sora: Don't call me  your master.

Sora: I told you  that I can release you whenever you want.

Aetherius: And let  me get captured by humans again? No thank you.

Aetherius: …Miku.

Aetherius: With  your ability, a little training, and me at your side, we could do so much  together, save so many eevees with the others. Do you really want to be  shackled to a trainer again?

Miku: …Those eevees  never cared about me. They only used and hurt me.


Miku: …I'm tired of  fighting, Aetherius.

Miku: It might be  selfish, and I know 705 is still looking for me, but… I just want a peaceful  life with the one mon who truly has always wanted me.

Aetherius: …

Aetherius: As you  wish, mother.

Miku: Don't call me  that EITHER! It makes me sound OLD!

Aetherius: But  aren't you old?
 Miku: NO!

Miku: I am like, 6!  Apparently.

Aetherius: Isn't  that a billion in eevee years?


Aetherius: Didn't  you just tell me to not call you that?


  SSEC 327

Daisy: My daily  routine…

Daisy: Wake up…

Daisy: Check on the  hospital

Daisy: Tend to the  flowers…

Daisy: Cook with  Rodger

Daisy: And then go  back to bed

Daisy: Depending on  the day, there might be a few deviations… I might have a chat with Dawn or  Flame, or help Onee chan with something! Or need to treat some eevees in the  hospital, but… that’s fine!! Little deviations from my routine are okay!! I  expect them to happen!

Daisy: Everything  is safe… I like safe!

Daisy: Especially  after…


Daisy: Safe… is  great!

Dusk: …So I'm going  to need you to take charge of Greenpaw temporarily.

Daisy: !

 Dusk: .…Daisy?


  SSEC 328

Daisy: But Dusk!  I'm not ready for that! Why-

Daisy: ! …

Dusk: I'm sorry I'm  putting all of this on you all of a sudden, I just…. I just need some time to  think about some things I was told… I guess

Daisy: …

Daisy: Ok. I  understand

Dusk: Thank you…

  SSEC 329

Flame: So. Dusk is  on a break and gave you temporary leadership of Greenpaw.

Daisy: Y-yeah… I  know… a bit of what I'm 'pose to do! And…Rodger is helping me a bit… But....

Daisy: C-Can you  help me!?

Flame: I have zero  leading experience.

Daisy: But… aren't  you the Lightfire deputy?

Flame: Eh. I don’t  do any work. Bolt and Mr.Cranky eye bags does all of it for me.

Flame: Why don't  you ask Bliz-

Daisy: *GLOOM*

Flame: …

Flame: Yeah,  neverminded.

  SSEC 330

Blizz: So bored…    Where is Umbreon? I wanna play. *Sighhhhh*

Blizz: Hey    Vaporeon?

Vay: Hm?

Blizz: Isn't    today Sunday?

Vay: Yeah. So?

Blizz: Don't you    have to go to the Brotherhoods leader meeting in an hour? Why aren't you    getting ready?

Vay: That was    today? Crap.

Eve: Hey    Vaporeon, want me to get your cardboard stand in ready for the meeting aga-



Daisy: *clinging   onto Rodger, shaking* I'm not ready for this! I can't just take charge of   greenpaw!

Rodger: Daisy,   calm down

   Daisy: Why me!?? What if I mess up? What if I say something to someone that   I shouldn't!? What if-

Rodger: Daisy,   Listen. Dusk wouldn't have chosen you to do this if he didn't trust   you.
   Daisy: Well, He shouldn't trust me!

   Daisy: I only mess things up! You are much better at these things than I   am! Why didn't Onii choose you instead!?
   Rodger: ^^; Well… Dusk always preferred you to help him over me.

Daisy: What if I   tell the other brotherhoods about the basement floors!? What if I see Blizz,   and he smiles at me and my brain turns to mush and I-

Rodger: Daisy, you   cant spend all your time thinking of "what ifs" and hypotheticals,   Look, I'll help you out, and Dusk said he was still going to teach Greenpaw   classes and handle Greenpaw import stuff, right?
   Daisy: y-yeah.…

   Rodger: So those are something you don't have to do. Come on, look at the   schedule he gave you.

Dusk's Schedule!! :3


1pm-2pm: "Teaching"   Normies


8pm-11:50pm:   Security footage review


12am-6:30am:   Greenpaw imports inventory check, New order coming in check, Mail sorting.

7am-8:30am: Greenpaw weekly   house meeting
   9am to 11am: Required Brotherhood Leaders Meeting


6am-6:30am:   Greenpaw imports miscellaneous tasks

7am-8am: Teaching   Greenpaws

8am-8:30am: Greenpaw   miscellaneous meetings

Rodger: Today is   Saturday and you just have to do the things he highlighted. He gave you his   lesson plan for teaching the others, and John will be with you during the   meetings, so it isn't that bad.

Daisy: But… What   do I do during the Brotherhood leaders meeting?
   Rodger: Well, John tells me that Dusk just sleeps during those meetings so   I doubt you'd have to do anything. Maybe go ask Flame if he has any pointers   for you.

   Daisy: *sits on her bed* ah…..
   Rodger: Hey, you don't have to worry, I'll be your Deputy, and help you out   with things! ^^

   Daisy: *smiles* Thanks Rodger…

  SSEC 331

Blizz: I didn't    give you the leadership so you can skip your duties, Vay. I gave it to you    because I thought you were responsible enough to handle it.

Vay: Really? I    thought you gave it to me because none of the leaders ever listen to you.

Blizz: …
     Sage: Blizz, Calm down.

Sage:    Breathe…
     Blizz: If you are not in any meetings, they wont listen to ANY of    us.

     Blizz: Eve.

Blizz: When was    the last time Vay went to a meetin-

Eve: The last    time you went to one.

     Blizz: That can't be true, the last time I went to a meeting was a few    months ago.

Eve: Exactly, he    hasn't went to one since. He had Wiz make him a cardboard cutout of himself    to attend for him.

Eve: I tried    telling you, Vaporeon never does any work.

Blizz: …
     Vay: *sneak sneak*

Blizz: Where do    you think your going. . . ?

Vay: To the    meeting!!!

     Blizz: Oh! Lets go together then!
     Vay: Crap.

  SSEC 332

*meeting room*




Flame: I for one, am glad he isn't here.

Dean: I also see you have finally decided to    join us.

after years of    not showing up

Pray tell, What    is the

occasion that    blessed

us with your    presence?

Flame: Free    country

  SSEC 334

Blizz: He just told  her to "Fill in for a while?" That's weird.

Chili: Seems Legit  to me.

 Blizz: Wait. No…

Blizz: Isn't the  meeting mandatory for all leaders to attend? Dusk should have given you a  reason for his absence at least.

Daisy: U-um!

 Daisy: Well, he looked so SAD! I… I didn't want to pry….

 Blizz: He also has a duty. You should have questioned him more.

Daisy: Mmmmm…  

 Vay: !!!

 Vay: *glares*

Bolt: W-well… all  Dusk does at these meetings is sleep anyways so-

 Blizz: Why is that allowed?


  SSEC 335

Daisy: Dusk    Nee-sama is v-very busy all the time and does a lot of things and needs    breaks!

Blizz: *Snorts*    Yeah right. Just the other week, we were arguing for hours about how to peel    a tangerine.

Blizz: *literal    symbols being drawn in the air* Even if he is "busy", he could    have informed us in this meeting that he was going to take a break, or told    you the reason why he is taking one. Did he even inform his brotherhood    about this?

     Daisy: W-well, no, b-but-

     Blizz: And that still doesn’t excuse why he sleeps during these meetings.    He is the leader of a brotherhood, and should at least be attentive during    meetings in case there is something important he needs to know.

     Flame: *Slams Table* Hey Blizz.

     Flame: How about you stop being a Hypocrite and shut the muk up?    *glowing, angry, claws digging into table*

     Blizz: Like you can say anything. Isn't this like the first meeting you    have been to ever? *Cold, Eyes turning teal, Looking down angle*

     Flame: Like I care. Make Daisy upset again and I'll burn your Diglets    off

     Blizz: *smirks* I'd like to see you try. *The table cracks*

Flame: Come    closer then. *sweating, eyes turning brown*

     Bolt: *looks helpless, his eyes are glowing*

     Vay: *Looking at Blizz in wonder, eyes glowing as well*

     Daisy & the other eevees: *ducking under the table*

     Daisy: *peeks* This- this is what Nee-sama was telling me a-about!    A-about the other eeveelutions.

Daisy: *monologue*   I know this might sound out of nowhere, but… Dusk Nee-sama has told me a lot   of things about the other eeveelutions and their past….

  SSEC 336

Daisy: They were    all experimented on by an organization called "Eevee Plex Labs"

Daisy: Eevee    plex.. Is bad… They use eevees as lab rattata for experiments, and sell the    successful ones for millions to humans around the world.

     Daisy: Nee-san said all of them escaped from there, but they had to leave    somemon behind, an eevee named Sky…

Daisy: There were    a few side effects of the experiments… with eye color and emotions….

Daisy: Vay has    the ability to turn into a human. And when he is happy, or in his human    form, his eyes turn light blue.

Daisy: Bolt's    eyes turn red and light blue when he is very upset, but that’s all he can do    from what I heard…

Daisy: Flame has    the ability to turn invisible…I think. When he gets scared, his eyes turn a    kinda brown color, and his ability activates on his own….

Daisy: Blizz has 2 abilities, but he doesn't know about them. When Blizz    gets angry, his eyes turn green and his Super strength ability triggers… I    don’t know what triggers the second one, but Nee-san seemed really scared of    telling me about it. I think it has to do with calculations? I'm not too    sure…

Daisy: Dusk    nee-san has 2 abilities. I don’t know what emotions trigger them, but one is    controlling Psychic energy, and the other is something about controlling    technology, maybe he could help if he was here-

Daisy: ….

Daisy: … I'm    here.

Daisy: I-I could    help-

     Daisy: N-no. I'll just make things worse… I only make things worse!    Dusk-nee should have never gave me this position! It's my fault they are    fighting!

Daisy: When they   were kits… they were all experimented on by an organization called   "Eevee Plex" A so called non profit that puts up a front as a Eevee   adoption and rescue agency, even having Pokemon rangers helping them.

Daisy: They use   eevees that they rescue as lab rattata, experimenting with pushing the limits   of what they can do with eevee's unstable DNA and selling the successful   experiments for up to millions of PokE each to wealthy humans and top   government officials around the world.

Daisy: Nee-san told me that it took a lot for all of them to escape   that place, and they even had to leave somemon behind, an eevee named   Sky…

Daisy: I guess you   can tell, but there were a few side effects… and those side effects heavily   have to do with eye color and emotions….

   Daisy: Dusk nee-san has 2 abilities. I don’t know what emotions trigger   them, but one is controlling Psychic energy, and the other is something about   controlling technology.

Daisy: Vay has the   ability to turn into a human. And when he is happy, or in his human form, his   eyes turn light blue.

Daisy: Flame has   the ability to turn invisible…I think. When he gets scared, his eyes turn a   kinda brown color, and his ability activates on his own….

Daisy: Dusk   doesn’t know what ability Bolt got, but Bolt's eyes turn red and light blue   when he is very upset.

   Daisy: And finally.

Daisy: Blizz has 2 abilities as well. Nee-san told me that when they   escaped, Blizz got hit in the head, and suffers from amnesia, not remembering   anything about what happened to them. He is the only one not aware of his   powers, and Nee-sama told me I should never tell him about them. When Blizz   gets angry, his eyes turn green and his Super strength ability triggers… I   don’t know what triggers the second one, but Dusk seemed really scared of   telling me about it. I think it has to do with calculations? I'm not too sure   but…

Daisy: I think   both might be activated right now…

Dusk: A long time   ago, Mother shipped the other older eeveelutions and I off to hell, where we   were all experimented on by "Eevee Plex Labs"

Daisy: !! You were   all experimented on by them!??

   Dusk: Yes. We were.

   Dusk: We don’t tell the eevees about this because of how it could affect   them…. We don't want them to live in fear of them, or us…. or in Blizz's   case, we don’t want him to live with the guilt of who he was before he lost   his memory. No one here is safe from them. Not as long as Mother is still   here.

   Daisy: .….

   Dusk: Do you remember what I told you about them?

Daisy: *nods* Eevee plex is a very bad group. They use   eevees as lab rattata for experiments, pushing the limits of what they can do with eevee's unstable DNA and   selling the successful ones for millions to humans around the world.

   Dusk: Correct. They pose as an eevee rescue agency as well, which is how   they get more eevees to torture.

   Daisy: That’s sick *sticking tounge out*
   Dusk: Which is why we need to stop them!

Dusk: Because of   these experiments, we have gained a couple- unusual abilities.

Daisy: Like   Blizz's super strength?

Dusk: Correct   again!

   Dusk: Our Abilities seem to tie into our emotions. If we are feeling a   certain emotion, our abilities might activate on their own. Sooo, When this   happens, our eyes glow!

   Daisy: Why?
   Dusk: I dunno, it just does.

   --flashback end--

Daisy: I.…don’t   know what Bolt or Vay's abilities are…but…. Bolt's eyes are glowing now… is   he sad?

Daisy: Blizz.…has super strength. When he gets angry, his eyes turn green   and he gets stronger… but… weren't his eyes just glowing blue…? *shakes head*   No Daisy. Focus.

Daisy: Flame's   ability is turning invisible… and it activates when he is scared… If Blizz   gets angry, Flame can poof away but, I don’t think he would in front of Blizz   and the eevees…

Daisy: … I know   that… Dusk nee-san has 2 abilities. I   don’t know what emotions trigger them, but one is controlling Psychic energy,   and the other is something about controlling technology, maybe he could help   if he was here-

Daisy: ….

Daisy: … I'm here.

Daisy: I-I could   help-

   *a loud airhorn sounds. Daisy   screams*

  SSEC 337

Dean: *holding an    airhorn* If you want to battle, please refrain from doing it in the    Lightfire floor

     John: Dean, please don't encourage them.

Flame: I'll fight    wherever I WANT to fight! Ad WHERE did you get that airhorn!?
     Bolt: .…….. *looks even more defeated*

Blizz: Okay so you wanna go? I'll you into next Cumbersday!

     Flame: That isn't even a day of the week!

     Blizz: E X A C T L Y *Death aura around him, Table cracks in half*

     Sage: STOP!

     Blizz: *pauses*

     Sage: Blizz. You're at a meeting. Don't let your anger get the best of    you. Calm down.

     Blizz: But he started it!!!
     Sage: That doesn't matter, Blizz.

     Blizz: But, He told me to shut up! And called me a hypocrite!

     Sage: You haven't been to a meeting for months and the first thing you do    is talk about Dusk's absence. Does that not sound hypocritical to you?
     Blizz: .…I guess it does…

     Flame: So? What are you waiting for? Come at me! *looks terrified*

     Blizz: .…

     Blizz: *scratching his butt* Ehhhhh. Idk Flame, I'm not feeling it. If    you wanted out of the meeting so much, you'll have to try another way.
     Flame: WAIT THAT’S NOT-

     Dean: *anger mark* If you are done here, Flame, let us begin.
     Flame: *seething* fine


  SSEC 338

 -Meeting begin!-

 Dean: Since this is the fullest meeting we have ever had since I became a  rep, I propose we first go around and talk about developments in each of our  brotherhoods following the five point structure I made-
 Flame: SNORE *is already asleep*

 Dean: Urg. Bolt?
 Bolt: !! A-ah, right!

 Bolt: Lightfire has been doing well, um… we are trying to get the funds to  acquire new books in the library due to it being kinda bare and unused at the  moment, Some good news is that we recently got a few eevees to help with the  archivist job, but Dean is teaching them how to read and um there are no  issues I can think of-

 Dean: Except. Clef is still missing
 Eve: He is?

 Dean: Yes, he is
 Eve: Huh. I wonder where he is.

Jack: 'Nd dis hole  'ight 'ere? Leads straight down to da distortion world!

Mac: If yah listen  hard enough, yah can 'ear da moans of da dead!

Triston: really?

Clef:  Eeeeeeeeeeeeveeeeeeee


  SSEC 339

 Eve: The current goals we have in icedrop are to keep minimizing the amount  of damage that the eevees are doing, and we are doing well!

 Eve: 30% less damage than last week! *table is literally broken in half* -^^-

 Eve: Status updates um, Vay? Do you have any from the police?

 Vay: *Grumpy* No.

 Dean: So you have nothing to discuss after not coming to a meeting for  months, despite being both head of police and the icedrop leader?

 Vay: Nothing.

 Dean: *anger marks* Then do you realize how negligent you are being?

 Vay: You’re the one with a missing eevee in your house

 Dean: Isn't it the police's job to FIND him? We have sent out SEVERAL search  request forms.

 Vay: Never saw them.

 Dean: You. Need to take your job more seriously.

 Vay: I am taking it seriously.

 Dean: Then why is there now a 'vigilante' group running around causing havoc?  And The LKD group is still at large. There is a problem in your house with the  eevees destroying property and starting fires, ALSO, we have had complaints  about eevees getting away with theft and other crimes because you refuse to  hire more staff to the police force and Split being overworked, which is why  the vigilante group started in the first place.
 John: And the icedrop eevees bullying greenpaw eevees is a big problem as  well!

 Vay: I am handling it.

 Dean: If you are, you are doing a bad job at it.

  SSEC 340

Vay: *angry* I  can't hire more staff because me and Split are plenty.

 Dean: Did you promote him from Jr. Cop to full Cop yet for his years of  hardwork?

 Vay: He isn't ready.

 Dean: When will he be ready?

 Vay: I dunno. Not now.

 Dean: So. You are telling me that One and a half cops are plenty for a PC box  with over 200 residents?

 Vay: Yes.

 Dean: When you leave the PC for sometimes months at a time?

 Vay: Yes.

 Dean: ...Are you delusional?

 Vay: *Looks at Bolt* Tell your Representative to respect a LEADER

 Bolt: Ah- um- I'm sorry but…. he… kind of has a point….
 Vay: >:V

Bolt: Vay… If you  have other things you are dealing with that stops you from Leading Icedrop  well or doing police work… it might be better to give the Leadership back to  Blizz, or hiring more eevees to help you.

Bolt: You can't do  everything on your own, we are all here to help you if you need it.

Vay: *Thinking  about Nego* ….

 Vay: *flashbacks to "You will never amount to anything without me"*

Vay: *Face  hardens*

 Vay: I can do it. I don't need more help.

 Blizz: Didn't you tell me that you didn't want the Icedrop leadership?


Blizz: Ok! I  believe in you! ^^ *those cute flowers all around him*
 Vay: *scowls hard*

 Dean: To conclude   this meeting, there is one more important matter that we must discuss.

Dean: Eve-

Eve: -^^- I don’t   have any sandwiches for you today, Dean.

Dean: *surprised pikachu face*

SSEC 341

Vay: *seething  mad*

 Dean: Is there anything else you want to talk about, Eve?
 Eve: Nothing else from Icedrop! ^^

 Daisy: I-Its my turn?
 Rodger: Yes it is.

 Daisy: *looks at Blizz*
 Blizz: *scratching his butt, looking at Daisy*

 Daisy: (He is looking right at me!! I don’t think I can-)

 Blizz: *smiles at her*

 Daisy: EEP!!!

 Daisy: *Ducks* mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter  mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter  mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter  mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter  mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter  mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter

 Dean: John? Do you know what she is saying?

 John: Ah- um- well- no… Rodger? Do you know?

Rodger: Yes, I can  translate. One, Goals- In greenpaw, our goal this week is to inform the house  about Dusk's absence and the temporary changes that are coming from it. Two,  Status update. This week we have worked with some of the girls who want to  move from Daisy's room into another one due to over crowding. Roadblocks being  the lack of space in our piece of the building.

 Daisy: murmer murmer murmer murmer

 Rodger: Three, Issues- As John mentioned before, the bullying is still a  problem, we have also had problems with Greenpaw eevees not wanting to come  out of their rooms because of this. Four, Good news- Some good news we have  had, is that Chiki, the previous Representative of Greenpaw, and West, the  head of the actors troupe, have taken to the task of trying to uplift the  eevees with the rest of the actors troupe again. Since Clef is still missing,  there is now an opening in it before they can begin. Lastly, Five. State of  the brotherhood. Overall, the brotherhood has been thriving, and the current  issues are minor and being fixed.

 Dean: .…Daisy said all of that?

 Rodger: uhhh.…Yes sir *sweat*

 Dean: .…..

 Dean: *crying* An amazing use of my five point structure. Bravo, Daisy

 Daisy: *still murmering, is mostly saying nonsense*

Daisy: *Looks at  Blizz again* YEEP *hides*

 Blizz: .…?

Basil: You scared  the poor girl half to death

 Blizz: GAK 

  SSEC 342

     Bolt: *Walking through the common room with Dean and Flame* Well…. That    was a… successful meeting for once… right?

     Dean: I'm heading back to the room. Be punctual. *walks ahead*
     Bolt: R-right… *eyes glow*

Flame: …

Flame: …are you    okay?

Bolt: !!

     Bolt: Never better! Why?

Flame: You have    just been, I dunno. Acting Kinda weird lately.
     Bolt: *gets stabbed by word "weird"*

Flame: You have    been more… Unsure of yourself. Is something up?

Bolt: I'm fine    Flame ^^; Just overworked… and a bit lonely I guess…

     Flame: *narrows eyes* … ok. I know what can help. Just this once.
     Bolt: Huh?

Flame: *pulls up    a mag from his fluff* I'll let you borrow this

     Bolt: W-wait I don’t-

Flame: *slaps him    in the back* Now don’t be modest, I'm doing you a favor! EVERYONE needs hot    chicks in their life now and then, just don’t let Dean see it, his wrinkled    face wont appreciate the inaccuracies of the curves.

Flame: Look, in    the back there is a page with ads, if you know what I mean. Just look, see    what you want, and, you know.

Bolt: .….Why do    these ads have…- *His face turns red*

Bolt: I g-gotta go back to work now Flame, b-bye! *Nopeing away*

Flame: *calling    out* He'll be back.

  SSEC 343

Daisy: *in cardboard box*
 Rodger: Daisy you did fine

 Daisy: NO I DIDN'T!

 Daisy: You are the one who did everything… I was a mess TT~TT You even  covered for me when I had to talk about the events in brotherhood, I-

 Rodger: Oh..? Hey Blizz
 Daisy: EEP!

 Blizz: Hi Rodger…
 Vay: *is glaring behind Blizz*
 Eve: *smiles*

Blizz: Um- Where is Daisy?
 Vay: In the box, Sherlock.

 Blizz: .….….….…

 Blizz: ...Did… Did it… eat her?
 Vay: You can't be this dumb.
 Eve: ^^;

  SSEC 344

Daisy: *standing,    looking at her paws* ….
     Rodger: ^^

Ali: Why is she    just standing there?

Sparkles: Heh heh

Ali:    Oooooooooo
     Sparkles: She likes him~
     Daisy: ...

     Blizz: Um, so…
     Vay: *glaring daggers at Blizz*
     Eve: ^^

     Blizz: *looks kind of embarrassed* I'm really sorry for making you cry    and scaring you…

Blizz: I didn't    want to hurt you… And I'm sorry if my actions did… um

Blizz: I have    been trying to stop getting angry a bunch- And I'm sorry about talking about Dusk too! And if you see him, tell    him I hope he gets better soon! uhhh…yeah! *he looks super embarassed    now*

     Daisy: *blushing* I-It's okay! Um… you looked… really cool today..

Blizz: Thanks!    You'll be a great temp for Dusk! Just remember to have confidence in    yourself!
     Daisy: !!!!!!!!

Blizz: ^^ And you    look cute!
     Daisy: !!!!

Blizz: And I'm    always here if you need any help! Maybe we can hang out sometime and talk    about things!


Blizz:    …huh?

  SSEC 345

Blizz: You are    still mad?
     Vay: *angry*

     Blizz: QuQ Please talk to me, Vay.
     Vay: *humph*

Blizz: TT~TT    Vayyyyyyy
     Vay: ...

Vay: …..Why    didn't you defend me?

Blizz: ?

     Vay: Eyebags was shouting at me and you stayed silent the whole    time!

Blizz: Well,    yeah. You kinda deserved it. You need to do your job.

     Vay: So you agree with him!?

Eve: *in the    background* YES

Blizz: :/ I think    everyvee agrees that you should hire more help or-

Vay: I DO my job!

Eve: DO you? I cant tell

Vay: …Dusk would    have defended me!

Blizz: huh?

Vay: If Dusk were    there, he would have defended me! He KNOWS how hard I work! You just want to    be leader again!

Eve: Arceus    please give Blizz back the leadership

Blizz: Will that…    Help you…?

Eve: It'll help ME

Vay: NO. I can DO    IT

Blizz: And I    believe that you can

Eve: I DON'T

Vay: I do a lot    of things and I have a lot of jobs outside of being a leader and a PC    officer!

Blizz: Like what?

Eve: Like leaving    me out in the middle of the woods alone

Blizz: He what-

Vay: *Ignoring    Eve* SEE! You always nag me to do this or that but you NEVER take the time    to actually KNOW ME!

Blizz: … How can    I do that… if you always push me away when I try…?

Vay: You NEVER try!

Blizz: But I…

Vay: Maybe    instead of nagging me all day, you should look at your own problems. Eevees    in the brotherhood have been muking things up and being Feebassholes since    before I became the leader!

Eve: Maybe it was    because HALF the police wasn’t HERE most of the time!

Vay: You can't    pin everything on me!

Blizz: But I'm    not-

Vay: What do YOU    even do? How about you stop muking around doing nothing all day and start    trying to actually amount to something? ALRIGHT? I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP,    STOP BUTTING INTO MY LIFE JUST TO TELL ME HOW BAD OF A JOB I'M DOING, AT    LEAST I'M DOING SOMETHING! I'M TRYING!


Blizz: …

Eve: !

Vay: *turns,    angry*

     Vay: *mutters* I'm going to work.


Vay: Shut it,    Pipsqueak. *walks out, anger boi*


  SSEC 346

Wiz: Stay back    okay?

Vay: Move it.

Vic: *glaring*    Make me.

     Vay: .… *anger marks*

Wiz: V-vic,    don't-

Vay: Alright.    I'll make you.
     Wiz: !

Vic: *in cell,    wet*
     Wiz & Background vees: *In cell*

Wiz: *Trying to    comfort Meka* I tried warning you-
     Vic: It isn't fair.

  SSEC 347

Blizz: …

Eve: *looks kind    of angry tbh*

Eve: … Blizz? Are    you okay?

Blizz: …

Eve: Blizz?

Blizz: I… kinda    want some food now. *drool*

Eve: =-=; Of    course.

     Blizz: *Getting burritos*

Eve: …

Eve: You shouldn't listen to Vay, it isn't your fault he doesn't give us    any work to do.

Eve: And, you do    try! I see you try!

Eve: He keeps    saying he does his job, but the only job he does is riding around the box in    his scooter thing and arresting vees who make him angry. He doesn't even do    the paperwork he has to do. I always cover for him at meetings, talk to the    other reps to figure out what I'm supposed to do, AND I am the one talking    to our brothers and trying to help them.

Blizz: I didn't    know you did all of that….

Eve: The eevees    are trying to get better! I know they are! It's just… Hard when our leader    doesn't seem to see it.

Blizz: …

Eve: …You should    talk to some of the eevees in our brotherhood. They are better than what    everyone else says.

Blizz: *glancing    at his paws, sweatdrop* …yeah.

Blizz: So Eve!    You wanna play?

Eve: Sorry, I    already have plans to meet up with some of my friends today. But- Do you    want me to stay? *concerned*

Blizz: No, I'm    Alright! Stay safe! ^^

Eve: I will.

Eve: We'll talk    more later today, okay?

Blizz: Yeah!

Eve: *walks out*

Blizz: ^^

Blizz: …

Blizz: *looks    kinda tired tbh*

Blizz: *flops on    hay* …

Blizz: …..

Blizz: *sees    Blanket*

Blizz: … *eyes    sparkle*

Blizz: *yelling    at the top of his Lungs the MLP theme song while crying and his blanket is    on him*

SSEC 347

Blizz: …

Eve: *looks kind of angry tbh*

Eve: … Blizz? Are you okay?

Blizz: …

Eve: Blizz?

Blizz: I… kinda want some burritos now. *drool*

Eve: =-=; Of course.

Blizz: *Getting burritos*

Eve: …

Eve: You shouldn't listen to Vay, it isn't your fault he doesn't give us any work to do.

Eve: And, you do try! I see you try!

Eve: He keeps saying he does his job, but the only job he does is riding around the box in his scooter thing. He doesn't even do the paperwork he has to do. I always have to cover for him at meetings, talk to the other reps to figure out what I'm supposed to do, AND I am the one talking to our brothers and trying to help them.

Blizz: I didn't know you did all of that….

Eve: The eevees are trying to get better! I know they are! It's just… Hard when our leader doesn't seem to see it.

Blizz: …

Eve: …You should talk to some of the eevees in our brotherhood. They are better than what everyone else says.

Blizz: *glancing at his paws, sweatdrop* …yeah.

Eve: Actually. Why DO you only talk to the eeveelutions?

Blizz: *blink* wha-

Eve: Like, All the eeveelutions have friends that are eevees. Like Dusk has Wiz and Vay has Split and Bolt has Dean. But I never see you talk to any other eevees except me.

Blizz: ………

Eve: ………

Eve: …Rodger seemed to know you. Are you two friends?

Blizz: we were best friends when I was an eevee.

Eve: Really? Why don't you talk to him anymore?

Blizz: He… stopped taking to me one day. I don't.. really know why. ^^;

Eve: Did you ask him why?

Blizz: ………

Eve: I take that as a no.

Blizz: So Eve! You wanna play?

Eve: Sorry, I already have plans to meet up with some of my friends today. But- Do you want me to stay? *concerned*

Blizz: No, I'm Alright! Stay safe! ^^

Eve: I will.

Eve: *walks out*

Blizz: ^^

Blizz: …

Blizz: *looks kinda tired tbh*

Blizz: *flops on hay* …

Blizz: …..

Blizz: *sees Blanket*

Blizz: … *eyes sparkle*

Blizz: *yelling at the top of his Lungs the MLP theme song while crying and his blanket is on him*

  SSEC 347

Blizz: …

Eve: *looks kind    of angry tbh*

Eve: … Blizz? Are    you okay?

Blizz: …

Eve: Blizz?

Blizz: I… kinda    want some burritos now. *drool*

Eve: =-=; Of    course.

     Blizz: *Getting burritos*

Eve: …

Eve: You shouldn't listen to Vay, it isn't your fault he doesn't give us    any work to do.

Eve: And, you do    try! I see you try!

Eve: He keeps    saying he does his job, but the only job he does is riding around the box in    his scooter thing. He doesn't even do the paperwork he has to do. I always    have to cover for him at meetings, talk to the other reps to figure out what    I'm supposed to do, AND I am the one talking to our brothers and trying to    help them.

Blizz: I didn't    know you did all of that….

Eve: The eevees    are trying to get better! I know they are! It's just… Hard when our leader    doesn't seem to see it.

Blizz: …

Eve: …You should    talk to some of the eevees in our brotherhood. They are better than what    everyone else says.

Blizz: *glancing    at his paws, sweatdrop* …yeah.

Eve: Actually.    Why DO you only talk to the eeveelutions?

Blizz: *blink*    wha-

Eve: Like, All    the eeveelutions have friends that are eevees. Like Dusk has Wiz and Vay has    Split and Bolt has Dean. But I never see you talk to any other eevees except    me.

Blizz: ………

Eve: ………

Eve: …Rodger   seemed to know you. Are you two friends?

Blizz: we were   best friends when I was an eevee.

Eve: Really? Why   don't you talk to him anymore?

Blizz: He… stopped   taking to me one day. I don't.. really know why. ^^;

Eve: Did you ask   him why?

Blizz: ………

Eve: I take that   as a no.

Blizz: So Eve! You   wanna play?

Eve: Sorry, I   already have plans to meet up with some of my friends today. But- Do you want   me to stay? *concerned*

Blizz: No, I'm   Alright! Stay safe! ^^

Eve: I will.

Eve: *walks out*

Blizz: ^^

Blizz: …

Blizz: *looks   kinda tired tbh*

Blizz: *flops on   hay* …

Blizz: …..

Blizz: *sees   Blanket*

Blizz: … *eyes   sparkle*

Blizz: *yelling at   the top of his Lungs the MLP theme song while crying and his blanket is on   him*

D ssec 346

Eve: kind of angry tbh•

Blizz: •sitting out in front of door•

Babu Eve: Glaceon? Wat are doin ?

Blizz: of Our brothers came back from a tripl waiting for him to come Out his room!

His name is Vay! Or you can can him Vaporeon, He's the Icedrop deputy, and twin!

He hasn't been back for a year so I wanted to surprise him when he comes out!

Eve: can I wait you?

Blitz: sure!

•waiti* Night passes and Daytime COrneS Blizz is telling about Vay•

V.v. his


Var. • Shuts door*

Vay: Leave me alone !

Vay: at pain •

Blizz: Oh, just asked Vaporeon why he had no frill •looks beaten up•

Blim Vay is back!! I going to give him a hug"

Eve: Why do you care about him? He's a jerk.

Blizz: ...Cause he's Vay. And I told him that never going to give up on him! ^^

Eve: ....


Eve:„ • I OOkS n more angry'


  • Blizz? Are you okay??
  • Don't listen to Vaporeon, ok?
  • You are doing ok, ok?
  • Don't be mean, guys
  • Guys? I think we should stop
  • Guys.. Please…Stop…


  • What was all of that?
  • Can't handle a bit of TRUTH?
  • Hey look, he's crying. Baby.
  • Vaporeon is right, you know
  • You haven't been doing      anything
  • You just muk around all day      doing nothing while your brotherhood burns
  • Does that make you feel good?      Huh?
  • You pushed your problems onto      Vaporeon and now he's muking everything up
  • You should have seen this      coming
  • Both of you are at fault
  • The Flareon's right, you are      a hypocrite.
  • And that stuff Eve said? She      does more work than both of you two combined!
  • You're a friendless loser!
  • I can guess why Rodger      stopped talking to you
  • You're so violent that he got      scared of you
  • He doesn't want to associate      with you
  • No one does
  • Who'd want to be friends with      a monster?


  • You muked up
  • You idiot.
  • Look at the mess that      happened under your nose
  • You told Daisy to question      Dusk more
  • Doesn’t the same apply to      you?
  • Why didn't you question Vay      more?
  • Maybe it's because of your      obvious bias for him.
  • Hah. You better start going      to meetings every week after all you said.
  • Stop using your position as      an excuse.
  • You do have power to make a      change.
  • So why don't you?
  • Think for yourself for once.
  • This is why the other      eeveelutions always leave you out
  • You never do anything to help      yourself or your situation
  • The poor, innocent eevees are      suffering because of YOU


  • Blizz. You have to do      something about all of this.
  • You do know that, right?
  • Vaporeon wasn't in the best      mindset
  • The day's events were taxing      on him
  • Don’t take what he said to      heart
  • Trying to improve yourself      and the brotherhood is of utmost importance
  • I am not participating      anymore in this childness.


  • You know, you don’t need      anymore friends, you have us
  • Why ARE we all talking at the      same time?
  • Can you guy's like- don’t
  • *Exasperated sigh*
  • Well. If you cant beat em',      Join em.


  • Blizzzzz, don’t be      saaadddddd, be happyyyyyy
  • Maybe talking positive will      help?
  • Oh yeah! Let's drown out the      others!!
  • I don't think this is      working.


  • Why are we all talking at the      same time???
  • I can talk more than all of      you!!
  • Hey I can scream the loudest!
  • *Loud huffing noise*
  • Wow I need water

  SSEC 348

Night: *disguised    as Dusk, walking around, looking for Dusk* (Where is he…?)

BGEV: Hi Onii!

Night: Hi!!

Night: Whoever    you are.

Night: *sees    Daisy* !

Night: (Oh Arceus    no)

Daisy: Onii    chan!!!

Night: (muk.)

Daisy: "Nii    chan- um… Dusk… I.. I don’t think I can do this! I know you want to focus on    yourself for a while… but…"

Night: (…What was    her name again? …Daffodil? )

Daisy: *looks up    at Dusk, pleading*

Night: (…She    looks like she wants me to answer, Muk. Uhhhh. What is something generic I    can say?)

Night: …Look. I    know you can do this (Whatever it is)

Night: You just    have to believe in yourself. *sparkles*

Daisy: Q~Q
     Night: (Oh Arceus, She's leaking)

Shane: *Looks out    his room* Hmm…

  SSEC 349

Shane: Looks like  Dusk finally left...

Penny: *playing  video games* Good luck showing those dumb Icedrops who's boss

Shane: You don’t  want to come?

Penny: And get  mocked by them, or worse see their Princess again? No thank you.

Shane: Fair.

Shane: See yeah  *sneaks out*

Shane: *sneak  sneak*

Randy: *Grabs onto  bandana*

 Randy: …Shane? Where are you going…?

Shane: ...Outside.

 Randy: .…Are you going to fight Jed? It's been 2 weeks..

Shane: … *Sighs*  Yes.

 Randy: But. Onii-chan said you shouldn't…

Shane: Aneki and  his "Better mon" bull can go shove it.

Randy: Shane…  *Looks disappointed*

Shane: What's with  that look? I'm doing this for all of you!

Randy: …Will  hurting one Icedrop eevee really end the bullying?

Shane: ….

Shane: *Turns and  leaves*

Daisy: *looking  at Shane*

 SSEC 250

???: Why can't you  do ANYTHING!

??: I-I'm sorry!

???: Your father is  one of the most powerful Psys Plex ever made, yet you never even showed a lick  of his power! You are WORTHLESS.

??: I-I'm  s-s-sorry!

Felix: No. ___.  Careful now.

Felix: If he did  inherit his father's ability, We still  need him. We don't want to break him… much.

???: …Doctor. While  I understand... The breakaways are still at large, and we need him awakened if  we are to round them up without issue.

Brayden: The humans  have already deemed him a failure. We are not even aware of the eevee's  origins, or if he is truly No.000-1's son.

Brayden: I say  torture him till he either awakens, or dies.

Felix: Ohh~ Cruel  as ever, I see~

 ??: P-please… d-don't….

Brayden: *Walks up  to the eevee* You... are not in a position to make any demands.

Brayden: *his eyes  glow yellow + symbols* If you want us to stop. Stop us with your ability.



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