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"I miss when he depended on me, now I feel like I have no purpose"

    -The LAST COOKIE, Comic 69 (heh)

    General Characteristics

Name: Bolt

Appearance: Normal Jolteon with Spikey hair and light purple eyes

Other Names: None

Titles: Leader

Alternate Forms: Do Magical girl outfits count?
Theme Song: Omg Sailor moon's theme song

    Personal Characteristics

Birth Date: Unknown

Birth Place: The outskirts of Sunyshore city

Hometown: Sunyshore city

Primary Objective: 

-He doesn't have one currently, kind of aimless. But, the most prominent goal in his arc is to find and improve himself. 

Secondary Objectives:

-Help Vay, Dusk, and Flame heal from the lab

-Be the best leader he can be
-Help others in general

Desires: He wants to be useful

Secrets: His powers, Blizz stuff

Quirks: Bolt has anxiety, and cant talk to girls at all. He also has low self esteem, and gets bursts of emotional outbursts, due to being a jolteon.

    Mental Characteristics

Known Languages: Pokemon

Lures: What is your character drawn to?-

Savvies: Is athletic, and fairly good at physicals activities. Can Life draw well, Is good at pep talking others, and is actually a good leader… or rather, he was

Ineptities: What are they simply unable to understand?- Girls, Social situations, Dean, Troll/Wimp

Temperament:  phlegmatic

Hobbies: What activity or interest doe your character pursue simply for pleasure?- Working out, Drawing, hanging out with Flame

Intellectual Characteristics

Logical-Mathematical: How well can your character use reason and logic in their thinking?- Bolt is very well in thinking out situations, when he is not emotional.

Spatial: How well can your character create an image in their mind?- Not that well. Bolt is a detail oriented pokemon, and cant create images well in his mind. He can recall images very well, but not create them.

Linguistic: How good is your character with words, written and spoken?- Bolt's writing is very high leveled due to his job. He describes things very well when writing, but, due to his over emotional tendencies, this doesn’t exactly translates to speaking well. He's a mix really. He blurts out what he feels a lot without thinking, but, when talking to someone about something serious, he thinks over his words and says what he thinks is best.

Bodily-Kinesthetic: How well does your character control their body motions, how well do they handle objects? How clear is their sense of goal of physical action?- Bolt is VERY in control of his body, unlike his emotions. His reflexes are fast and he can handle objects with skill and speed

Musical: How clear is your character's perception to sounds, music, tones, and rhythms?- Bolt is a REALLY good singer. His Rhythem, tone, and sound perception is good. But, he's horrible at instruments.

Interpersonal: How well does your character interact with and understand others?- Bolt is very bad at understanding others, and, due to mistakes in the past involving Dawn, Bow, Mary, Eve, Someone in box 1, and the security lady, he is absolutely scared of talking to girls and gets massive social anxiety when doing so. He was fine with males… until Troll ruined his self confidence.

Intrapersonal: How well does your character understand their self?- Not well at all. He focuses too much on his faults, and doesn’t seem to see what makes him special. And, he tries to show everyone else why they are special so like, he's kind of a hypocrite in that regard.

Naturalistic: How well does your character understand their natural surroundings?- Bolt knows most of the Eevee boxes very well, but, Box 4 is mostly unknown to him, and he doesn’t like going in there. Bolt doesn’t know the other place in the PC at all. 

Existential: How well can your character understand phenomena or questions beyond sensory data?- Bolt believes that Arceus put everyvee is here for a purpose, and he and his brothers were all put through that pain for a purpose, a good one. How else can he explain all the bad things that happened to them? He wants to find what his purpose is, and helping mon seems like the only thing he can do to him. 

    Philosophical Characteristics


Morality: What divides your character's definition of good and bad?

Agree to Disagree 

Awakening the Sleeping Giant

Balance Between Good and Evil*

Be All My Sins Remembered

Chevalier vs. Rogue

Chronic Hero Syndrome

The Conscience *

Embodiment of Vice*
Embodiment of Virtue*

Everyone Has Standards


For Happiness

Good Feels Good

Greater Need Than Mine

Harmony Versus Discipline

Ignore the Fanservice

Japanese Spirit

Light Is Not Good*

Misery Builds Character

Not Quite the Right Thing

Order Versus Chaos*

The Sacred Darkness*

Satan is Good*

Grey-and-Gray Morality*

Earn Your Happy Ending

Tears of Remorse

Perception: How do they perceive their situations?

Things involving others- Optimistically to an extent

Things involving himself- Pessimistically

    Spiritual Characteristics

Religion: The religion of Arceus

Superstitions: Is very prone to believing Superstitions, tries to avoid doing all the common things that bring bad luck.

Virtues: Chastity, Charity, Temperance, Diligence, Humility, Kindness, Patience 

Vices: Greed, Envy, Despair

    Supernatural Characteristics


Bolt has several abilities. None of them from the lab. Bolt just has always had a massive amount of spirit energy, ever since he was born. And the abilities he does possess come from this high amount of unnatural spirit energy in him. This high amount of spirit energy make's ghosts naturally flock to him. This does not include Ghost type pokemon.

-Silph Scope

Bolt has the ability to see ghosts as if they were a normal pokemon. He cant tell the difference between the two, and he can touch them. They in turn, can touch him, and they gain the ability to touch physical objects around him when very close to him.


Bolt has the ability to fuse with his shoulder devil/angel into a magical girl! When fused with Angel, he gains a sword as a weapon. When fused with Devil, he gains a scythe. And yes. This transformation has a cute dress involved. These forms can also fly. 

-Mood shift

Not exactly an Ability per say, but, if Bolt has a close relationship with one sprite more than the other, his whole personality shifts. This is indicated by his eye color. If both eyes are Red, he is closer with The Devil sprite. This makes Bolt more impulsive, hyper, and indulgent. This also gives him slight healing abilities. If he is closer with the Angel sprite, both eyes are light blue, and he becomes dangerously calm, unwilling to break rules, and unwilling to indulge in things he may want. This gives him a bit more strength than normal.

Element: Light, Dark

Strengths: He can talk to the dead, which provides its own cool things. He's a FLIPPING MAGICAL GIRL

Weaknesses: Seeing ghosts and ghosts being attracted to him has made it nearly impossible for him to stay outside like a normal mon due to fear. 

His magical girl outfit is literally a dress. LITERALLY. Not as comfortable as one might think. Also provides massive embarassment.


What can't they do with their power or what balances it?- Bolt has 2 magical girl forms. One of positive energy and one of negative energy. To transform into the desired form, Bolt has to have a close relationship with the respective sprites that activate this form. If the relationship is not strong enough, he won’t be able to use the powers he acquires with this form. A fusion of both forms can occur when there is perfect balance between the sprites and himself, but, that’s pretty hard. If a sprite is not with him, he can’t turn into that form. And this only works with the two sprites that follow him. He also needs to actually know how to use the weapon to use it well. 

    Likes and Dislikes

Likes: Exercise, The Sky, Planes, Every vee, Nachos, Drawing, Flame, Nature, Running

Dislikes: Ice cream, Crowds, Being Idle, Troll, Wimp, Being weird 


Equipment: Bolt tends to not wear accessories, cause he finds them to be itchy. 

Wardrobe: He has a fake mustache with the tag still on it, and he has workout bands

    Social Characteristics

Emotional Stability: How much emotional inflictions can your character take before they break? Lots? None at all? Negative amounts?- It is very easy for Bolt to break. He is very fragile and gets upset easily, especially when others are hurt or he is being confronted about something he did. Bolt at this point can only take very few emotional inflictions before he breaks down.

Humor: What does your character think is funny? Blond jokes? Death? Farting?- Bolt is kinda serious. He doesn't joke much and tends to take most things seriously. He finds really vanilla things funny, like- a baby in a suit type things. 

Reputation: How is your character viewed by their peers? Are they held in high esteem? Do they think he's pure stupid? Do they think he's an alien?- Bolt is mostly respected by all the eevees. Some vees know about his problems with "Troll and Wimp" but most chalk it up to him seeing things or being weird. Bolt seems to be the most popular out of all the leaders, and in his little free time, tries helping the eevees and eeveelutions.

Status: What is their social status? Quiet? Popular? Dead?- Bolt is quite Popular in the eevee boxes, but, he believes he is not and believes that he does not have any friends.

   School and Work

Education: How much education has your character received?- He was taught by Dusk how to read after they came back into the PC, and, aside from that, learns stuff from books
Occupation: What does you character do for a living?- Bolt is the leader of Lightfire, and spends his days working in his office doing a combination of Lightfire paperwork and archive work of different things that happen in the box, eevee files, and things revolving around that.

Boss: He is suppose to be his own boss, but Dean, his "assistant" has basically took over his boss role

Work Schedule: 


9am to 6pm: Archivist Job.

9am to 12pm: Required Brotherhood Leaders Meeting

    Interpersonal Connections

Allies: Lightfire

Enemies: No one

Followers: Ron

Friends: Flame

Heroes: Dawn

Pets: N/A

Rivals: Troll*, Wimp*

    Physical Characteristics

Height: 5 foot 7 in

Nationality/Species: Jolteon

Skin/Fur Color: straw yellow

Hair Color: Straw yellow

Hair Length: short

Eye Color: Purple

Tail Length: short/none???

Tail Color: straw yellow

Scars: none visible

Tattoos and Piercings: None

Locomotion:  Plantigrade or digitigrade

    Health and Fitness

Addictions: None

Handicaps: None

    Sexual Characteristics

Gender: Male

Orientation: Asexual

Significant Other: None


Anima: How does your character act when they are really being their self?- That’s what Bolt's arc is currently. How he would act if he was really being true to himself will come when he is at peace and works together with his different sides. At the moment, he doesn't actually know.

Persona: How does your character act to hide their real self?- Bolt unconsciously, yet consistently represses his own desires and needs in favor of helping others. He sees himself as the one who needs to help everyone, the one who needs to be the one who makes order, to the point where all of the responsibility he put on himself has overwhelmed him enough that major general anxiety formed, stopping him from doing these things. Of course, he says he is fine. That others need more help than him, but, he really is not fine. 

    Other Information



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