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Have been trying to prepare making stuff for an online shop of some sort. But, If I cant get everything set up for a shop, I'll instead try to send physical items like prints and stickers to you guys directly!  

Welp. Barely anyone reads these Patreon blurbs, so I might as well vent a bit.
Recently I have been trying to rest and think about the things that I want to do in the future. ^^;; It has actually been kind of depressing, looking back at what I actually accomplished during college. I guess staying at home, graduating, the protests, and quarantining, has affected me more than I thought it would, cause I have been EXTREMELY lonely and sad, and distancing myself from people online due to it. You'd think distancing myself is the opposite of what I need if I'm sad and lonely, but I dunno. @u@ My head is full of EMOTIONS and I can't process them. TTuTT I just want a friend, or someone to talk to, like how Daisy has Rodger, but nope. I have to keep being alone. And it sure is fun pretending to be okay.
But whatever, who cares?
On a less depressing note, about commissions.
I actually really really dislike doing commissions, as most of you can prolly tell. ^^;
I have been thinking a lot about them, and I just don't like doing commissions
I do art for me and I personally like my art, but when I am doing art for others, it almost always turn out bad. I really hate people paying for my bad art, especially cause of the high expectations people have when they do commission me, and people who commission me telling me that the art I drew for them, that I am personally proud of and work hard on, just, makes me feel worse ^^;;;. So, I doubt I am going to offer commissions in the future for you guys, instead, replacing them with Physical items and stuff like that, once I get everything set up.
I want to like, do MORE for all of you guys, but my current living situation prevents me from doing more. For the next few months, I'm going to be using all of the money you guys give me to start slowly build up materials to start making Prints/Stickers, like. Instead of a single commission, I want it to be like, Every month or two, I send a small package with prints/stickers, even pins/charms once I start making enough to make them, like a kind of subscription for $20 and $50 Patreons. I want to start doing this by January at the earliest. If I can find a job and move out of my house, Livestreams will become more frequent as well, and once I finish all the left over commissions and finish drawing 10 weeks advance of  SSEC pages at least, I'm going to start putting more extra stuff here, not just sketches ever wendsday.
Idk, I guess I want to make the Patreon an actual community, and give more to you guys cause you help me so much and I'm really grateful for all you have done to help me, even if its just $1 a month.
^^;; Sorry for the vent, dont worry about meeeeeee



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